Try not to get a yellow or red card. Try and get a gold card. Work harder than ever. Always be nice to everyone and don’t kick the ball in people’s faces. Eat your vegetables. They make you strong. Have fun and score lots of goals. Olivia-Rabbits
Monthly Archives: June 2018
Advice to Gareth Southgate and his England Team
Play good. Run fast. Enjoy your time. Get some goals.Be excited. Be kind.Bring home the trophy. If you want to talk to me you can. Harvey B
England Competition
Hi Gareth, Great job you are doing with the team. You can tell you have been working hard In training with all the goals scored on Sunday! Keep the team positive. You all have our support. Remember not too give up if things get tough and always try your best. Go England!!
World Cup
Eat healthily
Sleep early
Stretch your muscles
Pass well, shoot hard
Be scared of no-one
Be strong
Be brave
Move fast
Don’t slow down
Smile, enjoy it
Check your studs
Be kind to other teams
Substitutes stay warm
Pick our best team
Make England dream
Tips for Gareth & the England team
Eat healthy, especially your fruit. Kick the ball towards the goal at all times. Play as a team and listen to each other. Save all the shots from the other team. Try your hardest. Practice all the time. Buy Nike trainers. Always pick Harry Kane. Do your best.
England Competition
Pick the best team. Always try your best. Help each other. Encourage each other.
Come on England!
Mr Southgate please make sure you pick the best eleven players, for the team. They must eat all their vegetables and go to bed early the night before games to get a good nights sleep. Tell them to always try their best and kick the ball in the goal !!!!
How to Succeed in the World Cup
Be brave and keep doing what you have been doing through out qualification. Keep seeking advice from past legends. Unite the England Team, and play as one. Train hard, eat healthy, and have early nights. Work on relationships off pitch to improve better play on pitch. England is the best.