
Year 4 are currently working on their Leaver’s Service. It is a time of mixed emotions for the staff. We are proud to see the progress of these children – it only seems a moment ago when they were tiny 4 year olds shyly standing at the edges of the playground. So much has happened over the five years that they have been with us and they have grown and matured to the children they are now. Some have joined us on the way but most have been with us the whole time.

Now they are confident and demonstrate leadership qualities. They comfort the younger children and lead them in games at playtimes. They take responsibility and support staff in school.

In a few days they will leave us and move on to Selwood. They will be the youngest again. But they will make their mark and continue to grow and develop. We wish them all the very best and the greatest success for the future.

Posted in Teachers.