Christmas craft club – week 3

A fun and busy week making festive peg characters. Which one is you favourite?

Family Service

It was lovely to see the Berkley children at today’s Family Service. It was a wonderful service all about forgiveness. Well done to Ellis, Isaac, Rudy, Jacob, Laila, Matthew and Yanah for delivering that message. Every person I spoke to said how brilliantly you all performed (and I agree!).

Diwali Day

We have had an action packed morning painting Diva pots and learning Indian dance moves!

Meeting Pudsey

Christmas Crafts Week 1 – Christmas Puddings!

my weekend

After school on Friday me my sister and my mum started to think about party gams beause it is my birthday on Monday. Me and my sister lily startid to think about gams to play. Also I am having  a sleep over.