What’s happened

If I did everything that’s happened to me, this would take ages. So here are just the key points.

  1. Swimming gala
  2. Tag rugby
  3. Birthday
  4. Met Corey Samuels

By the way, ENGLAND’S IN THE EURO FINAL! Against Spain.

swimming gala

A gala is a race. This is my first one.

So, what happened is you swim in a heat, (any stroke) and they show you your time, but you don’t get medals for your place in the heat, you get time for your whole age group. For example, I came first in the backstroke heat, but got a bronze medal for my time in my age group, mine was 9 or under. I got seventh in front crawl (2nd in the heat) and seventh in breaststroke. (1st in the heat.)

That’s my gala.

tag rugby

So, there was a tag rugby competition that our school got to compete in if you wanted to. My two friends Darcey and Millie were also doing it for their school. we don’t know who won, but it was still a lot of fun.

That’s my tag rugby.


I’m very lucky on my birthday, because Corey Samuels came in on the same day, there was a heat wave, I had ballet and water polo. A very eventful birthday.

That’s my b’day.

met Corey Samuels

I met Corey Samuels on my b’day. the reason why is because a few weeks ago we got sent home with a sponsorship form to raise money for sports for champions. But when raising, there is also prizes. ยฃ5 or more is bronze, which you get a small postcard. ยฃ15 or more is silver. You get a a4 certificate. ยฃ35 or more is gold. You get a photo taken with him, autographed in a keepsake photo wallet. I got gold, so I got a photo taken with him on my birthday! By the way Corey Samuels is a famous basketball player for Bristol flyers.

So, that’s when I met Corey Samuels on my b’day!

That is the end!

My Fabulous School

If you are just randomly on Berkley’s website and don’t have a school, what are you waiting for? Berkley is the BEST school you could get! It has 4 classes, 4 years (5 if you count reception) and a farm and wonderful fields surrounding it! (don’t worry, the cows don’t stink to much.)

So, what are you waiting for? Come to Berkley!


My dad found some Kestrel chicks in an old owl box. We rang a local bird expert who came out to our farm and today we watched the Kestrels being tagged. It took ages to get safely up the ladder to tag them.There were two of them ,we think they are 3 weeks old.I got to hold them . VERY FLUFFY!!!!!!!!

Alphabet story

The Zoe Ball Radio 2 Breakfast show set a home schooling challenge every day, the challenge for Tuesday 28th April was to write a short story using the letters of the alphabet in order, here is my story:

A Bull Came Down Extremely Fast, Getting Hotter Inside. ”Just Keep Laughing” Mum Nodded โ€œOnce Passed, Quietly Run Straight Towards Us”. Vinny Will eXtract You! Zzzz time.

Pebbles our lamb

Pebbles was born on the 4th April .Me and my brother were so amazed. We hugged her and kissed her, this was our first lamb.We hope our other sheep has a lamb . We hope you had a nice Easter. We must go there is a chicken walking around in our kitchen!!! from Meredith

Making a fantastic rainbow .๐ŸŒˆ

Today I made a ๐ŸŒˆ.
I used a mirror and a fantastic glass with water ๐Ÿ’ฆ. We shone a torch at the mirror in the glass of water but a rainbow didnโ€™t come. Then we tried a torch and a CD. We shone the torch at the CD and a rainbow appeared!

Then we did some tricks with a pencil and water. We put the pencil in the water and it seemed like the pencil was broken. It looked bent but when we took it out it looked fine! You should try it! It is called REFRACTION.

School life

To Mrs Thompson

Please can we have more break and can people come every so often to take videos of are school to show people what its like. Can we have a play track that has swings even tho we have a play track that does not have swings.Can we please have some baking clubs and art clubs.Please can we have desks instead of carpets.Can we have more visitors in school to show them our school and how great it is.Can we have more time on the computer and can we watch videos before we go home.Can we do more football tournaments at Selwood school.

Head teachers challenge

Berkley is great but I wish for the playtrail we had a slide and a swing and maybe a hot tub.and I bet you will be a good


In class I wish we could always do more storyโ€™s for literacy.I feel sad about Mr Kirby leaving so I say to Mr Kirby good bye Mr Kirby hope you visit before I go to Selwood Max.kennedy

Advice For Mrs Thomson

1. Please can we have a swing and slide and a trampoline to go with the play trail.
2.please can we have more morning break at least 40 minutes.
3.please can we have more school trips.
4.please can we have more play equipment.
5.please can we have more school discoโ€™s.
6.please can we have more iPads and computers.
7.please can we have more time on the computers and iPads.

Head teacher challenge.

to Mrs Thompson

more school trips

spend more time on the field

more teacher

more equipment

more wow days

people working hard

make music shorter

mak people happy

new front cover for maths and litracy

more art work

Christmas blog

I helped my Dad to fill up the bird feeders and clean out the chicken shed, it was very smelly!

I helped my mum make mince pies, set the table and write place names for our Christmas parties.

Noah’s Christmas help

This holiday I started making an ecobrick to help look after the planet. It is a bottle filled with plastic rubbish. It’s saving animals and plants because the plastic doesn’t end up in a big pile in the sea and other places. It was quite hard and fun and I want to make it into a table and stool when i make a lot more and stick them together. I also helped look after my brother Luke when he was poorly.

Santa’s grotto

On Tuesday night me,Joel,mummy and auntie Rachael went to santa’s grotto at Orchardleigh House. First we went to arts and crafts and made reindeer food, I helped my little brother Joel make his. Then we went to find out our elf names, the silly elf Robin helped us, my name was the same as Joel’s Frosty Sparklepants. Next we went to a path of light to the wishing tree and put shells,stones/gems and wood. After that we went on the elfmobile down a light lake. Then we had photos sitting on reindeers and a sleigh. Also I was sitting on Comet. Last but not least we went to see santa he told us to tidy our room so he doesn’t step on anything. Then he gave us presents. Last we went to the cafe to have a hot chocolate and a sausage roll.

Christmas Blogging Competition

During the Christmas holidays I was really kind to my Sister at a funday, and I helped her find the toilet because it was her first time going.I also helped some younger children with different activities. As a result of my behaviour I was star of the day.

Christmas blogging competition

During the Christmas holidays I tried my best to help my Mummy and Daddy. I laid the table for three Christmas dinners all by myself. I helped peel the carrots for dinner, helped Daddy dig a vegetable patch, helped with wrapping presents for Christmas and tidied up my bedroom. I looked after my triplet cousins and made them laugh.

Christmas holiday challenge

In the holidays I shared my ๐ŸŽ‚ cake with my sister, I emptied the dishwasher, I also shared my new pool ๐ŸŽฑ table with my friends at New Year party ๐ŸŽŠ, and I was very patient at my Nanโ€™s house ๐Ÿ  waiting to put a film on.


  1. “You will not pass! ” said Thanos.
  2. “Stop thinking you’re better than me,”annoyingly said Iron Man.
  3. “You can’t say that,” anxiously said Thanos.
  4. “Are you saying that to one of the best people in the world?” said Iron Man.
  5. “Yes, why are you saying that to one of the best aliens in the galaxy,” said Thanos.
  6. “You win but that doesn’t mean our conversation is over,” said Iron Man.

Sulley 5 sentence challenge

There are lots of pretty red flowers in the nice garden. One black and white cat was in the sunny garden. There is a nice, happy man walking his small, little dog. An old red bike is standing next to the shed. An old, rusty house is standing still.

Advice for Gareth Southgate

Try not to get a yellow or red card. Try and get a gold card. Work harder than ever. Always be nice to everyone and don’t kick the ball in people’s faces. Eat your vegetables. They make you strong. Have fun and score lots of goals. Olivia-Rabbits

England Competition

Hi Gareth, Great job you are doing with the team. You can tell you have been working hard In training with all the goals scored on Sunday! Keep the team positive. You all have our support. Remember not too give up if things get tough and always try your best. Go England!!

World Cup

Eat healthily

Sleep early

Stretch your muscles

Pass well, shoot hard

Be scared of no-one

Be strong

Be brave

Move fast

Don’t slow down

Smile, enjoy it

Check your studs

Be kind to other teams

Substitutes stay warm

Pick our best team

Make England dream

Tips for Gareth & the England team

Eat healthy, especially your fruit. Kick the ball towards the goal at all times. Play as a team and listen to each other. Save all the shots from the other team. Try your hardest. Practice all the time. Buy Nike trainers. Always pick Harry Kane. Do your best.

Come on England!

Mr Southgateย  please make sure you pick the best eleven players, for the team. They must eat all their vegetables and go to bed early the night before games to get a good nights sleep. Tell them to always try their best and kick the ball in the goal !!!!

Best biscuit in the World

After serious consideration, I believe that the bourbon cream is the best biscuit in the World! My reasons are as follows:

Its slim design makes it easy to hold between your pointer, middle finger and thumb. This also means that you don’t have to break it before dunking.

Did I mention dunking? As a consequence of having two thick biscuit shields as an outer layer, and a smooth creamy centre, the bourbon can remain in a hot cuppa for a good second without disintegrating into the tea, never to be seen again!

Its distinctive, moreish flavour makes it impossible to just have one!

If there is a better biscuit out there, I would like someone to let me know. Ask your friends, parents, neighbours, teachers etc.

Please write a comment below as I would love to hear your thoughts. Mr Banton

(P.s. I would also like to hear about your favourite healthy snacks.)

The beautiful UNICORN

One butiful sunny day a little girl was walking in the park then she herd a noise in the trees.And then there was a BANG full of colers

it looked like there was some sort of unicorn in there.Then the little girl called out HELLO is enyone there then she herd a SQWEEK .

Dount be fritend I dount bite said the little girl.

So then the thing in the tree poked her head out and then the little girl SHREEKED with exssitement .

It,s a UNICORN but how did she get up there so she ran up to the unicorn happily.

Snow Day!

Today was a snow day at Berkley school.

I went to work with mummy and daddy. I made a poster to sell my cookies that I made for cookie day.They wereย  50p each with all proceeds going to Berkley school. Mummy sent an email to everyone to letย  them know we were selling them at 10am. I made ยฃ7 from selling the cookies, some people gave me ยฃ1 for each cookie. Dave gave me a 5 pound note and I had to work out the change.

I will give my money into school on Tuesday.

snow day!!!

Super awesome building snowmen

o-one should hate being in snow

Obviously everyone should love sledging

Windy,cold freezing like a blizzard


I fall but never get back up

I’m unique but not a fingerprint

I am sometimes part of a ball but I am not leather

If I get warm enough I go away but I’m not a winter wordrobe

I am sometimes part of a man but I don’t have any skin

What am I?

A snowman!!!



In the snow my dad found one of his old skateboards and he took the wheels of so he could use it as a snowboard then we went to a hill by the Rugby Club then Eloise went down the hill with it and she was doing so well and got so far then…OOF she fell and hurt he face!!

I was just sat on the sledge having a rest while I could and then my dad decided to pull me down the hill I was not at already for it but it was fun. After a fun time in the snow we walked to the Rugby Club with Freddie and Ava. Brad and my Dad we drinking whistle me and Ava were playing on my phone ๐Ÿ˜€

When were playing in the snow my mum decided to stay inside (like she always does) while we had the best time ever in the snow!!!!! A couple hours later we had some tea it was delicious we had roast beef with carrots, Yorkshire puddings and potatoes it was awesome and tasty.

My day in the snow was great and I hope yours was to!! ๐Ÿ˜€


Acrostic poem

Energetic Elijah

Loves to climb

I like eating chocolate

Jaguars are one of my favourite cars

Avengers is my favourite TV programme

Hide and seek is lots of fun

Tabby’s Poem

T is for tennis on Tuesdays

A is for adding numbers

B is for ballet dancing

B is for being bright

Y is for yelling when I get cross!

Fun in the snow!

The snow is amazing! I hope everyone is having fun outside. Oscar and I built this, this morning, followed by a lengthy snowball fight.

Mr Banton

me and the sticks

  1. I was waking up andย  with out warning a witch was in my garden I went and sorted things right. I prepared to fight the witch but with a flick of a wand, she turned me into sticks. My friends came running to help me. The battle commences and half of the witches army and half of the red army began fighting! it was a terrible war, it took two days of fighting for the Red Army to win the battle. One soldier shouted “VICTORY” and the others shouted “Hooray” The Red Army reversed the spell… I was human again.

Nathan’s Poem

Nice and neat
Awesome and amusing
Terrific and truthful
Happy and hopeful
Artistic and affectionate
Noble but nutty