Going Out

On saturday night we first went to see a band its called nevil stapill.The man is called Nevil.He comes from in the middle of England.He is a black man.My faverit song is called a mesage to you Rudy.And this is how it goes a mesage to you Rudy and theres a trumpet it was really good naw my cousin has come to baby sit us she is called Dasie doo And we are havin the petsa that has been left over.

Easter holiday

I had a great half term. Mummy, Daddy, William and I went to Weymouth for four days.

We met up with my best friend from Nursery, Charlie, at Lyme Regis.

On the Saturday we met up with Jessica and her family in their caravan. We all had a lovely day and stayed for tea, which Jessies Grampy cooked.


We had ducks a mummy duck and a daddy duck. The mummy duck got kort by a fox, so we saved the eggs and they hatched. We have baby duck chicks. We had five but one died so now we have four.

Easter Holiday

In the Easter holidays I took part in a ballet show at the Merlin theatre. I was a little flower. Polly was a bee in the show and Zoe was a flower like me. I liked the bunnies.


On saterday its Rudys party.& on thursday night we where getting every thing  ready mummy was blowing ballons and letting them go.


On tuesday night Iwas brushing my teeth and one of my teeth was in my mouth so I got it out of my mouth and I put n my little tooth pot I wathed a little bit of toystory and then went to bed in the morning I found I had 2 one pounds but I was crying then because I had a bad bad dream.But affter a little bit I was all right.


On thursday we went to bomerrangwith George it was good fun & there was a  bit there & that was where some things you could sit on and ride around .There was a blue long slide and a small black slide u couldent see any thing.Affter  we had been to boomerrang we went to a place and there was boats sailing some lived on them and som where a having a holaday and some where having a little trip we had something to eat I had a pasta George had chicken nugerts and beans and chips Henry had the same so did Rudy.


we had a good day out

My fun day today

Today I went to my brother’s friends house and we played with them . Then we went to the park together! I bumped into Caitlin and we played on her bike, then we went back to our friends for lunch . After we went to the shop . When we got back I played with my friends called Alannah and Georgia we played Narnia and did a play.


When you go to longleat you have to have a card on it you have to get your picture taken and then that will be put on the card.So every time you would like to visit longleat you can proudly show your card. But if you didn’t have a card you would have to pay .

If you wanted to go on something and your mum and dad said you’re allowed to, then you would  show your card.

When we went we went on an easter egg hunt you had to try & find an egg with a letter on &  you had a sheet with eggs on and you put the letter on the eggs & it gradually made a word. It was daffodils .When we finished the hunt we went & got a  cream  egg I didnt like it that much.

It was an alice & wonderland day we went and had to find our way out and when we where looking we saw the Queen of hearts and guess what she said we were aloud to cheet so we cheeted by steping over the little bushes.Then when we got out of there  we were looking fo the white rabbit but we couldnt find him any where Henry &Rudy really wanted to go on the train so we went on it.When we were in the middle bit we saw the white rabbit he gave everyone an book with stickers in and question in it.

Then after that we went home.

Easter hunts

Today is Easter and this morning mummy and daddy set me and sophie a easter egg hunt.After we went to longleat for another easter egg hunt we took two hours finding the eggs it was so much fun!!The word was daffodil I found it out before we had scrambled them up.Eventually we went to watch the bird show the birds were magnificent.


On Friday Mrs B is in our class room .  Mrs.B is my favourite teacher in our school.When Mrs.B lets us have Golden Time we can choose  what we want to do. I like Golden Time.

about iceskating

When we went iceskating first a lady called   Pam tort us to do things.When we were iceskating we had to sit on the ice and Pam would teach us to  get back up again.I fell over 100 times my friend Raya she fell   over1000 times and …..

I had a good day

Icy ice skating

Yesterday I went to Issys birthday part at bristol ice rink.At first when we were putting our ice skates I couldnt even stand up.Then we all had our lesson and then moved into the big ice rink.For lunch I had pizza and chips as theyran out of what I wanted.After we had a disco skating on ice.I could now ice skate without holding onto the side I kept on falling over in the same place so I had a wonderful time!!!

Exciting ice skating

I went ice skating with Issy F, it was for Issy’s birthday ,lots of people were there for Issy’s party. It was really good fun. I fell over once when the disco was on. The disco was on the ice. We all had a really good time. xx