Exiting Things in Life

All of the exiting things I have are mostly just really small

but somehow exiting.

I dont know why but I just cant wait!

The first thing is

I’m getting a new bed maybe a new wardrobe and maybe a MASSIVE desk.

The next thing is an

advent for Christmas. It is soooo close to now and the calendar that I have looks AMAZING!

Since its almost Christmas its almost boxing day. its 2 months until new years eve

and 2024!

The next thing is

its going to snow this week! its not going to pitch sadly but I dont know when but its


In january

my friend is DEFINETLY coming to mine for a sleepover!

one thing thats really far from now is sooooooo exiting and one of the best things I will

experience! (second best after Disney!)

That thing is in 2 years (groan) in 2 years (groan) I will be moving into

wait for it…

my sisters MASSIVE room!!!!!!!!

Shes 17 right now and the reason why I am moving

you might of guesed it

She’s going to university and she has my tiny room for weekends.

Right now I’m just getting ready for Christmas 2023 and I’m

going to a shop called whitehall to buy decorations.

It’s like the best christmas shop ever!

thats the end byeeeeee

Posted in Owls.

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