christmas day !

when i woke up i had to throw a toy at lucy to wake her up, we had to get our new dresses on that dad bought us but mum and grandma didnt know until we all came down stairs and read the letter that santa left for us. the best present i had was a netbook jessica had one aswell we left them till last to open. it was the best christmas so far.


Exciting news! Next half term our creative curriculum topic will be Robots! When I told my class this they all cheered really LOUDLY and I can understand why! It is going to be such great fun! And I can hardly wait!!!!

Mrs White

End of Term

It was hectic at the end of term. Following the two Christmas productions we all met together as a school to listen to the two choirs sing and share some of the production songs again.

We had our Christmas Party – this was a full Christmas lunch, followed by a really good entertainer and then, finally, because we had all been so good, Santa made a surprise appearance carrying 3 sacks of presents  for everybody.

It was a lovely end to a busy and fulfilling term.

Have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas everyone.

Mrs White

On friday

On friday we went to college to get a present . but  we put the key in and the alrm went off.Once one of the alarms went off they all went off . the police came it was really scary.We went to the  person who looks after the school and he turned the classroom alarms off .After that we went to get the present  and we went home .when we went home I had to get ready for jimnastics and Sophies mum came to take me  to jim.When I came back and had my super and went to bed and I watched a film.But when I was in bed mum said I could watch titanic.And then I went to sleep.

Berkley Bunny

Berkley Bunny

I love London

At the weekend we went to London and our train was late getting to the station. We had to rush into Hyde park because at 11am we had to go into a magical ice kingdom. First we had to walk through a funfair.  Ellis bought an angry birds hat. The magical ice kingdom was really good. When we came out we went to Nando’s for lunch and I had chicken, chips and corn on the cob.

We then went to find an open top bus, we were very cold. Ellis fell asleep on the bus. We went past Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, and lots of other places. We went to our hotel and got nice and cosy and then we also went to Caluccio’s, we had to go on the tube to get there.  Then we went back to our hotel and fell asleep.

On Sunday we went to meet daddy’s friend whose name is Gareth. We had brunch. I had a chocolate eclair and chocolate milkshake. We then walked back to the tube and we got the train home.  These are some pictures.




We went to London at the weekend.

Last Night

Me and daddy went to from flyer.I had spagetie my daddy had a massive mushroom and salid burger.Then daddy got my ring and he  and rolled it around and I tryed to guess which hand it was in .Then daddy said “do you want a pudding?” and I said “yes” and he got me icecream, brownies, marshmallows and a cup of chocolate, I ate it all !!! Then I tried to teach daddy A Sailor but he was rubbish!

Finally we went   home