Room on the Broom and the Carnival

We went to see Room on the Broom in Bristol. We went with my cousin Joe. The Cat put a traffic cone in the cauldron to make a new broomstick.

In the evening we went to the carnival and when it was nearly finishing we saw Libby! She gave me a football leaflet. We saw some more people.

Badgers…En Francais

This week we started to learn a new language, French. We all learnt how to say Hello, which is Bonjour, my name is… J’mappelle….
Goodbye is Au revoir and we learnt how are you. Which is ca va? And to answer you say ca va bien. If you feel good.
We are really excited to learn more French.. (Families you can test us at home!)
Charlie wants to find out about food.. and what are you cooking?
Kenny would like to learn the days of the week.
Hattie would like to learn how to say.. what are we doing today? And Alex added what work are we doing today?
Hopefully over the next few weeks and months we will become super duper french speakers!

This week we had recorders officially for the first time and we all learnt how to hold it and play the first note B. We now know that the squiggle at the beginning of a piece of music is called a Treble Clef and that it is on a row of lines called a Stave. We also had our first Violin lesson and we cant wait to start playing it properly next week!

In literacy we looked at alliteration which we all found fun to do. We just came up with the twisting, topped, tortoise made terribly, terrifying noises! Many of us then used alliteration in our Extended Writing task.
We looked at stories and wrote about a spooky, dusty ancient door that we all had a picture of. Some people wrote about the things that were behind the door.. others couldn’t get through the door and some told an adventure story of how they found the door and where it was.

In numeracy we have been looking at place value and all the children have been able to parition big 3 digit numbers into Hundreds Tens and Units. We have also started to learn the 3 times table and have promised Miss P to practise every evening for 2 minutes at least!

In art we have created a giant jigsaw with one piece created by each child to represented themselves and to show how we all fit together as a class.

Looking forward to telling you all lots more about what we have been getting up too in Badgers over the coming weeks.

Au Revoir!

Year 1 Rabbits

I like writing in our own books.


I like playing.


I like going swimming.


I like doing harder work.


I liked making Humpty Dumpty


I like going swimming


I like doing harder work


Now I’m a year 1 I can help look after ther reception


I like going swimming


I like helping the reception





Cheese Show

I saw Choc Ice. He is a sheep . He belongs to my second cousin. He won some rosettes. He lives near Frome. I liked seeing the ducks and the goats. I went on the big bouncy  castle and i went down head first. It was great fun.


Yesterday we got our dog he’s a cocker spaniel and his name is Brownie. He’s fluffy and loves cuddles when we run he jumps up at us and when we go on the sofa he jumps up but because he’s so small he cant get up. He  loves  chewing mums toes and he comes and licks us on the face. He has long curly, floppy ears and beautiful  puppy dog eyes. He has a wet, shiny, black, slobbery nose   He sleeps in kitchen he’s really cute.

We are very lucky to have him.


Badgers first week back

Hello Badger fans,

We are back and want to share with you our first week in year3!

On Tuesday, we met our new teacher for year 3 for only the second time. Her name is Miss Pennington and she is lovely, we have had a wonderful first week with her.

Our classroom is completely different to how it was before the summer. It now has an interactive whiteboard, display walls, pegs for our coats, places for our lunch boxes and a visual daily routine chart.

We have a new child called Alex and everyone has made him very welcome. His favourite things are football and basketball. Alex says he really likes being in Badgers, as everyone is really nice.

Miss Pennington made us play a game with toilet paper on our first day!
We got to decorate our Maths books with all the numbers that are important to us. We have all been practising our handwriting after our long summer, which is a little tricky to get back into.

We have learnt a fun word game called Boggle, it is where you have 16 letters and you make as many words as you can. We also then share our words with others. We challenge ourselves to find 6 or 7 letter words.

We have also been playing word games with that involve VCOP, which stands for

V: Vocabulary

C: Connectives



Mrs Randell came in and chatted to us about starting to play the recorder. We are all extremely excited to learn a new instrument.

Our first extended writing was about a picture of a beautiful tulip field, Toby said that the clouds looked like candy floss. WOW descriptive words used.

On Friday we got to do P.E with Mr Groves, we did lots of multi skill games including: grapes, treasure and sticky bits.

In golden time we had it in Owls class, we played lots of games. Hattie played Guess Who with Yasmin, Gracie and Lily, it was really good fun.

We are looking forward to the the new week.

Till the next time

Badgers over and out

Cray Fishing

We went cray fishing at Great Elm and I caught four cray fish. There was a rope swing and lots of people came to look at our cray fish. We cooked them and tried them. They weren’t very nice.

Caravan holiday

We went to Cornwall for a week and we went to the beach on the first day. We went swimming and then we went to the arcade. My auntie, uncle and cousins Joe and Em came with us.  After that we played Old Maid and Happy Families.

We went to St.Ives on the train and we went to see the animals at Paradise park, I fed the penguins.

We went swimming in the pool a lot and there was a great water slide, we also went on some paddle boats in the pool, the teacher was pushing our boats and splashing us and throwing stuff at us, it was fun. I threw stuff back at him and bashed him and we laughed.