Hat Rat #100wc

My rat is called hat rat because he has a rat hat bowl and when ever I let him go out he nibbles my clock. And his favourite food is lime. And when we went on the bus we were pretending it was a ship and he fell off and so I said man overboard and thats my rat.

THE END – George

Posted in General.


  1. Hi George
    What a great idea for this week’s prompt words! I love how you based your 100 word challenge on a description of your rat. You used the prompt words very well and imaginatively to give a great picture of the rat. I especially enjoyed it when you wrote ‘Man Overboard’ in fact I laughed out loud when I read it. One little tip to help you in your writing – maybe see how many words you can list that could be used at the start of a sentence instead of ‘and’. In fact sometimes you don’t need to use anything at the start of the sentence. Try reading the sentences with the ‘And’ then try reading them without the ‘And’ and see if it sounds okay without the ‘And’ at the start. I really hope you continue to write for the 100 word challenge as you obviously have great creative writing talent. Great work! I look forward to reading more from you in the future.
    Ms O’Keeffe Team 100wc
    Galway Ireland

  2. Hi George,
    I enjoyed reading your story.
    Hat rat sounds like a great pet. Though I’, not sure if I’d like a pet rat!
    Good work this week.
    Mrs Boyce

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