David Walliams

I want David Walliams to come to school because my head teacher is the best head teacher. In Squirrels we are reading gangster Granny . I like it when the girl wakes up and she thinks she is in a dream but she is not.


Egg’s are being laid
And being eaten
Simnel cakes are baking
Tiny lambs are born
Everybody is excited
To celebrate Easter time.

12 days of christmas by Lilia

1 Sparkly star
2 Santa’s sledging
3 Presents under the tree
4 Snowmen melting
5 Christmas cards
6 Boiled sprouts
7 Raindeers eating carrots
8 Unwrapped presents
9 Full up tummy’s
10 Turkey sandwitches
11 Pulled crackers
12 christmas films.

Cheese Show

I saw Choc Ice. He is a sheep . He belongs to my second cousin. He won some rosettes. He lives near Frome. I liked seeing the ducks and the goats. I went on the big bouncy  castle and i went down head first. It was great fun.