West Kennett Long Barrow

On the last day  of the holiday we went on a day out to West Kennett Long Barrow and Avebury (in Wiltshire). When we  arrived it was cold so we put on warm clothes but still had our lunch outside.

The barrow is a burial mound for important people but it is empty now. It is about 5500 years old.

Me and Tilly

Silbury Hill in the background




Norfolk holiday – seals

At half-term I went to see Blakeney on a life-boat and saw I two types of seal, one was the Common Seal and one was the Grey and a bird called the Sandwich Tern.

I went to town

When i went to town and went to see the olympic-torch. i saw two men on bownsy stilts. what i felt when i saw the torch was excited and happy.

Monster animation

I made an animation of a monster with my friend Billy. The little monster falls through a hole and the other one laughs at it.

Frank the peacock

Frank has tail feathers that grow every spring and then fall out every summer. I like Frank the peacock.

Making Shields

today i made a shield with our own coat of arms on it with Ben.