Ollie the dog.

My frend has got a dog . She got it a few weeks ago. His name is Ollie and he is a puppy.She got him from a dogs hone.He looks like a calf,but he has not got long legs.

Mr Snowdrop

Me and Zoe had fun in the snow. We made a littler snowman in the garden. Then we made a giant one in the car park and I put the hat on.




The flood!

We went to my granny’s house, it was very wet. It was like a giant puddle, our friend Kim came round and splashed in some of the puddles.Some of the water went over our wellies.Mummy got her car stuck in the mud and Kim’s mum and dad had to help push us out.



My fabulous Jubilee Party!

We had a Jubilee party in our car park, all our frends came, it was lot’s of fun.We had teams for the mini Olympics, I was in the orange teams, OUR TEAM WON!

My day at Bristol

To day we had a girlie day out ,we went to bristal cinema and watched Ather Christmas,it was funiest film I had ever seen.After that we went to pizza hut,I had chesey macroni and zoe had a cheese and tomato pizza.



Glastonbury Carnival

I had a lovley time, my sister was on my dads sholders , two of my firends were there, I took some pictures on my new camera and here they are.

Pollys Birthday

On the 27th of October it was my 8th birthday, I had a wonderful time, some of my frends came round, I had lots of presents, my favourites were a camera and a 3DS.

Fantastic France

I like swimming .I have been to the pool every day. It is very hot and sunny.


I liked

I liked the birds especially when theĀ  bird caught the rabbit on the car.