Orla’s jokes

Knock knock
Who’s there
Cows go
Cows go who,
No,silly cows go moo

Why are seagulls called seagulls?
Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels

How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it

Witch flower talks the most?
Tulips, of course because they have two lips

My funny joke!

I went into a bakery and asked the lady ‘how much are all the cakes?’

The lady replied ‘All cakes are £1.’

‘I’ll have that one please’

‘That’s £2!’ Said the lady.

I said ‘Whaaat? You said they were all £1’

‘That’s Madeira cake!’


Apple store trip

Badgers had a wonderful trip to the apple store. We learnt how to use i-movie and we created some fascinating movies!!