This week the Badgers have been working on division problems in numeracy! ‘Oh no!’ I can hear you all groaning , ‘not division!’. Well in Badgers there was not this reaction because we have had lots of fun dividing!!
We have played a range of games; lotto and snap, games on the computer and TARZIA which is a puzzle game which I make especially for each group. We have played brilliant games on the laptops which have required some pretty quick thinking and some of us have had a go at some mental maths Speaking and Listening activities which also involved division.
We have also done some recording but not too much as the main point was to practise dividing as much as possible in our heads.
Luckily over the week I had help from Mrs Perry, Mrs Pang, Mrs Wheeler, Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Harding and Mrs Snell [ not all at once!] which meant that we could really differentiate the activities finely and we all saw the children making good progress and HAVING FUN!