Today the Year 4 children were pilgrims on a journey to Wells Cathedral. We travelled on the coach with Beckington school which was nice and we were lovely and early so we got the front seats on either side of the cathedral.
There was a welcoming service and then we split off into groups. First of all we had a tour of the cathedral and saw some of the interesting sites. The children dressed up in cloaks and carried staffs around just as the early pilgrims did – although they were able to keep their shoes on – early pilgrims often walked hundreds of miles without their shoes!!!
Then we made pilgrim boxes before setting off to our next workshops. One group ,with Mrs White and Mrs Jeffery, went to a craft session where we made shell bookmarks and the other group, with Mrs Wheeler, went to a drumming workshop. We all had great fun.
Then it was time for lunch followed by a Mime Workshop which was hilariously funny and also communicated thoughtful ideas.
Finally we returned to the cathedral for the closing Act of Worship. Abi and Sam carried the banner, Kieran and Rob and Mrs Jeffery collected the lighted candle and Izzy read our pilgrim prayer from the pulpit.
It was a smashing day and all the children were really great ambassadors for Berkley School.
Mrs White