
So far, my time in Australia has been awesome; We have been to Adventure world with water slides and roller-coasters. My favourite was probably Galiath where you sit in seats and you sit up and down me and Elosie were screaming our heads off but we wanted another go so, before we got ready to leave, my Dad came on with me but he’s a bit of a wimp he usually loves scary rides but he didn’t and me and my Dad went on Abbyss the most scariest ride there. It was a roller coaster that you shoot down and when you went up it went slow. My Dad didn’t like that much but we still went on again and I’m lucky enough that I was just about tall enough. We also went to The Maze and it was a water park with a gigantic maze we did get lost in there but we found our way out but there was one sneaky sign saying ‘this way’ but it led to a dead end. There is a park with a beach called Eden Beach we once went there and a lady told Rochelle (my aunty) that there was a snake crossing a road into the bushes.  A little while later a girl saw something slither in the bushes and soon it came out the bushes we all crowded round the snake while someone called a lady to pick it up. The lady told us it was a Dugite snake; Dugite snakes are as venomous as a cobra but we were more exited and interested in the snake then we were scared.

Australia is amazing I would recommend going there we went to Perth,  its in the western part of Australia.










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