What’s happened

If I did everything that’s happened to me, this would take ages. So here are just the key points.

  1. Swimming gala
  2. Tag rugby
  3. Birthday
  4. Met Corey Samuels

By the way, ENGLAND’S IN THE EURO FINAL! Against Spain.

swimming gala

A gala is a race. This is my first one.

So, what happened is you swim in a heat, (any stroke) and they show you your time, but you don’t get medals for your place in the heat, you get time for your whole age group. For example, I came first in the backstroke heat, but got a bronze medal for my time in my age group, mine was 9 or under. I got seventh in front crawl (2nd in the heat) and seventh in breaststroke. (1st in the heat.)

That’s my gala.

tag rugby

So, there was a tag rugby competition that our school got to compete in if you wanted to. My two friends Darcey and Millie were also doing it for their school. we don’t know who won, but it was still a lot of fun.

That’s my tag rugby.


I’m very lucky on my birthday, because Corey Samuels came in on the same day, there was a heat wave, I had ballet and water polo. A very eventful birthday.

That’s my b’day.

met Corey Samuels

I met Corey Samuels on my b’day. the reason why is because a few weeks ago we got sent home with a sponsorship form to raise money for sports for champions. But when raising, there is also prizes. £5 or more is bronze, which you get a small postcard. £15 or more is silver. You get a a4 certificate. £35 or more is gold. You get a photo taken with him, autographed in a keepsake photo wallet. I got gold, so I got a photo taken with him on my birthday! By the way Corey Samuels is a famous basketball player for Bristol flyers.

So, that’s when I met Corey Samuels on my b’day!

That is the end!

My Fabulous School

If you are just randomly on Berkley’s website and don’t have a school, what are you waiting for? Berkley is the BEST school you could get! It has 4 classes, 4 years (5 if you count reception) and a farm and wonderful fields surrounding it! (don’t worry, the cows don’t stink to much.)

So, what are you waiting for? Come to Berkley!

my trip to Mallorca

Before I start, I would just like to say that I am having my first proper gala (swimming race, I have also done a school one, check my competitions) at Frome sport centre! I will be doing 50 metres front crawl,(2 lengths) 50 breast and 50 back stroke. Pls support me, and lets get started.

For those who don’t know what or where Mallorca is, Mallorca is also called Majorca, (Ma-your-ca)which is a little island next to Menorca, and both is in Spain. Lets tell you about my hotel.

My hotel is one in a hotel company, zafiro hotels. It has 5 pools, a 25 metre one, (the EXACT same one as the sports centres one) a pool with a bouncy castle just with no wall which you could jump of, a normal pool, an indoor pool and an 18+ pool. my room was amazing, but what was really good was the entertainment. Every night, at 9 o’clock, you’d play bingo and a quiz. sounds boring, right? WRONG! The quiz was this thing called a kahoot, and what you’d do is get your phone, scan a QR code and answer questions of a catagory! It still sounds boring… WRONG! You could win a bottle of wine and a cocktail… I know it still sounds boring, but you’ll believe me when you play it. Sometimes they swapped bingo for something else, but it would still be fun. Besides, if you didn’t like it, there’s always bracelet making or tatoos in the backround. If you are an adult, the entertainment is hosted in a bar, so you can grab yourself a drink.

thats it for this blog,


coming up in life


my tag rugby tournament

I have already said about a tag rugby tournament. But, I have just done it! There was only 4 girls, including me. Me, Isla, Esmae and Ada. There was 14 year 4s in total, so the Berkley school teams were split into 2 teams of 7. My two other friends were playing for other schools too. Me, Isla and Esmae went to the Frome rfc to play tag rugby in Mrs Thompson’s car, also Hadley. Isla was on a team with Esmae, and there’s two girls on each team so of course me and Ada went on the other one. Team 1 (Esmae and Isla) went first. They won! Me and Ada’s team went second. Lost by 1. But the next time, we both won! I don’t know how well they went, but this is how we did it: won, lost, won, won, won.

Sandy balls

2024 I had a trip to Sandy balls and stayed in a lodge with a hot tub!

I have already been to Sandy balls a year ago and have been begging my Mum to go there again since and here we are! Sandy balls is a lodge and caravan site in the countryside and it is AMAZING! I love it mainly because of the alpacas! Yeah, that’s right, Sandy balls has ALPACAS! Incase you don’t know what an alpaca is, its a type of lama that normally has a sus face, and watch out! Since its still a lama it can still spit in your face if you touch the wrong part of its body at the wrong time! They’re really cool because their fur is fireproof! Don’t ask how I know that.

Okay, now to stop talking about alpacas, even though they’re really cool I can’t lie.

Lets talk about how cool the actual place is, as the history of Sandy balls is pretty cool.

There’s this hill called good Friday hill in Sandy balls, there’s a heart bench there, blah blah blah, king Edward the 3rd used to sit there, blah blah blah, named the place Sandy ballas, blah blah blah, then soon the a was dropped and the place was called Sandy balls.

Now lets talk about what I did there in order.

Firstly, I couldn’t wait, I jumped straight into the hot tub. I mean, who can wait? Nobody, that’s who! Then, the next day, we went alpaca walking! When we last went to Sandy balls and walked alpacas, we walked this group of four alpacas: Deigo, Siri, Joey and Alfie! Deigo and Siri are brothers, and we love Deigo the most, especially my brother Fred. Deigo and Fred took lots of fasionaball (sus) photos together! Guess wich group we walked this time. We walked the exact same group again! More sus photos! Then the next day we went swimming in an indoor pool! Hot tub again, watched a film, then it was time to go. I bought an alpaca keyring, an alpaca fridge magnet and an alpaca teddy.

Then, the sad part was leaving. 2 nights went so fast!

thanks for reading,

hope you liked it,


My Holidays

I’m very lucky, or some people might call me sooooooo lucky, but you can call me anything. I have recently been to Disney Florida, don’t be jealous, but that’s just the start.(I might be going again in 2025) This year,(2024) I’ve got MORE great holidays. Don’t be jealous when I say all these things. I don’t know for SURE, okay ? Okay, lets start with how THIS all started.

When I came home from school, my Mum asked me to fill in a chart. The chart was to write ANYWHERE and I mean ANYWHERE in the world. My family put pretty crazy ones, but some of them worked. We go to Portland like a million times each year because my Granny has her own house there which she lets all my cousins and me stay there for FREE!! So if they put down Portland on the chart even like 5 times, we would be going to Portland 5 times. No matter how many times. The second holiday that we were definitely going to is Greece

My Competitions

I (as usual) have loads of things going on . You might think: why do you have millions of things going on? Well, the answer to that question I do not know. We are now talking about my competitions. I have more things going on, but here are the competitions. Here we finally go.

I only have 4 competitions but they are all very exiting. The one I’m most exited for is actually the closest one to now. Its a school swimming race!:) My Mum will take me to Frome Lesiure center at 9 o’clock and what we do is : if you are competing you will swim a length and then another person will go then another then another…. (yawns) Then its your turn again! You go over and over again…Oh! I forgot to mention you will be against OTHER first schools! Also you are against year 3 year 4 year 5 and year 6!!!!!!! Don’t worry, you won’t be against year 6.

The second competition I have is:

I have a school tag rugby tournament ! We will be having training at school.

Christmas and New Year

My christmas and new year this year was one of the best ones yet!

Unlike last year, when things were NOT so great but I’m not talking about last year, I’m talking about this year.

I dont know where to start!

Okay, here we go.

The first thing I did to celebrate christmas was:

I went to the roller disco at the cheese and grain. I loved it so much!

The second thing I did to celebrate christmas was:

I went to my mums friends house!

The third thing I did to celebrate christmas was:(christmas day)

I went to my Grannys house with ALL my cousins! 🙂

The fourth thing that I did to celebrate christmas was:

I went ice skating at bath on ice!

Now were at new years eve.

My friend Millie came round to my house with my Mums friend to watch the count down and I stayed up to 12 o clock!:)

So that was my christmas and new year!

Hoped you liked it

Byeeeeeee! 🙂

Its 2024!

Being Sneaky

when I am sneaky I take it to far. I have a massive list:

1: I found my mum looking at holidays.

2: I know what I’m getting for Christmas.

3: I steal my brothers ps5.

4: I found some random money in my house and put it in my pocket.

5: I was awake at night at a sleepover

Don’t try this.

TT rockstars

Badgers and Owls did a battle of the bands in ttrockstars. Owls [my class]

won! We had multiple prizes and they were UNREAL!

our choices are:


movie with sweets

day with lessons of our choice

a fun morning

arts and crafts session

It was a tie between movie or choice of lessons.

Movie won!

Which one would you choose?

Exiting Things in Life

All of the exiting things I have are mostly just really small

but somehow exiting.

I dont know why but I just cant wait!

The first thing is

I’m getting a new bed maybe a new wardrobe and maybe a MASSIVE desk.

The next thing is an

advent for Christmas. It is soooo close to now and the calendar that I have looks AMAZING!

Since its almost Christmas its almost boxing day. its 2 months until new years eve

and 2024!

The next thing is

its going to snow this week! its not going to pitch sadly but I dont know when but its


In january

my friend is DEFINETLY coming to mine for a sleepover!

one thing thats really far from now is sooooooo exiting and one of the best things I will

experience! (second best after Disney!)

That thing is in 2 years (groan) in 2 years (groan) I will be moving into

wait for it…

my sisters MASSIVE room!!!!!!!!

Shes 17 right now and the reason why I am moving

you might of guesed it

She’s going to university and she has my tiny room for weekends.

Right now I’m just getting ready for Christmas 2023 and I’m

going to a shop called whitehall to buy decorations.

It’s like the best christmas shop ever!

thats the end byeeeeee