my life:)

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! I’m Gracie and this is my second blog , I bet your thinking “where‘s the first?”

It’s called MY NEW YEARS, if you want to see it.

But today is a new blog LET’S GET WRITING!!!!!!

FIRST thing, my year: year four My favourite food: PIZZA and anything CHOCOLATE My favourite film: wish!!!! My favourite animal: DOGS PUPPYS DOGS PUPPYS…I could go on forever ( would) My favourite number:5 My favourite colour: purple!!! What clubs I do: ballet, swimming, musical theatre, blogging ( obviously) Bye:)

My new years

On New Years eve I stayed up until 12:00 so I could be awake for 2024!!! Then on new years day I went to Nandos and then went to the shop. MY FIRST DAY OF 2024!!! Do you want to know what I got for Christmas? Most of all I got joy and love but as presents I got air dry clay, (it’s like playdough) new shoes, (they are boots as well, they are also doctor martin’s) a new owl alexa AND a lol bracelet kit, those are my top 4. BBBYYYEEE!!! 🙂 SMILEY FACE!!