Hello from Luke

Hello Owls. I just want to say hello to you all. I have a cast on my leg to help it. I chose to have a red cast, it looks like a candy cane because it has white tape around it. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your school trip, how was the zip wire? I hope to come on Friday for the school picnic and see you all x

Posted in Owls.


  1. Hi Luke,

    We hope you get better soon and we hope your not too bored at home. We hope your leg is better by Friday so we can see you at the picnic. We will play lots of nice games with you when your leg is better. Did the Doctor give you any sweets? What was it like in hospital?
    Love from
    Squirrels Class x

  2. Dear Luke,

    We’re all sorry to hear that you have broken your leg. We hope that you enjoyed the start of the residential trip. Remember to rest your leg as well as practise using your crutches. We want you to get better soon and we hope to see you at the family picnic.

    Love from Badgers

  3. Thank you for your messages. The doctor didn’t give me any sweets but I did get a sticker. I didn’t like being in hospital, I was worried about what I had to have done to my broken leg. I was not allowed to eat in case they had to do an operation, I was starving hungry, in the morning the nurse brought me some toast and mum got me a chocolate bar from the vending machine, it was yummy. I’m getting better on my crutches and my leg doesn’t hurt as much.
    See you soon

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