I (as usual) have loads of things going on . You might think: why do you have millions of things going on? Well, the answer to that question I do not know. We are now talking about my competitions. I have more things going on, but here are the competitions. Here we finally go.
I only have 4 competitions but they are all very exiting. The one I’m most exited for is actually the closest one to now. Its a school swimming race!:) My Mum will take me to Frome Lesiure center at 9 o’clock and what we do is : if you are competing you will swim a length and then another person will go then another then another…. (yawns) Then its your turn again! You go over and over again…Oh! I forgot to mention you will be against OTHER first schools! Also you are against year 3 year 4 year 5 and year 6!!!!!!! Don’t worry, you won’t be against year 6.
The second competition I have is:
I have a school tag rugby tournament ! We will be having training at school.

You are very busy Ava. Mrs Hirons