What do you see at the seaside

Yesterday we went to JBR Walk in Dubai, there are lots of nice shops and a big beach.

On the beach we saw a play park, an outside gym, the Dubai Eye building (which will be the same as the London Eye) and a really big sand sculpture. We normally see a camel doing rides but it wasn’t there.

What is a Khim?

Last night we ate in a Thai restaurant and there was a lady dressed up very pretty doing Thai dancing, she was also playing a musical instrument called a khim, which is from Thailand.

The lady used two sticks made of bamboo to play the Khim which made a nice sound. It was made of wood and trapezoidal in shape, there were lots of metal strings in groups of 3.



My holiday in Dubai

Hello Rabbits class

I am having a lovely time here in Dubai. On Tuesday we went to Abu Dhabi to see one of daddy’s friends, we had a drink at Yas Marina where the Formula 1 circuit is then went to a shopping mall and went up a big viewing tower and had lunch.

Today we went to see a Mosque, a mosque is a sort of church for the people in Dubai. We couldn’t go inside but we did look round the outside. You are not allowed to wear shoes in the mosque and you have to cover your shoulders. The building isn’t old like Berkley church and there is no stained class and you sit on the floor. It is very clean and new. The men and lady’s have to say their prayers in separate rooms.

Then we went to the Burj Khalifa, it is the tallest building in the world. We went up to the 125th floor, it was very high we could see all of Dubai. Granddad was a bit scared and wouldn’t go near the edge.

It is very hot here and I am going swimming lots with my brother Reece

See you all soon, hope you all have a good half term.

Love Lara


Fossil Festival!!!

Me and my Mum my Dad, Fred and Ava went to a fossil festival at Lyme Regis. My Dad was super excited because he was going to make us walk.
IT WAS FREEZING COLD!When I was there I saw a man using tissue paper to make a dinosaur head with different shades of green.
I also went to a museum and tried on some outfits that they would wear in the olden days (Victorian times).
Near the end of our trip I went to this tent where you could buy fossils I also brought one that is 165 million years old from the Madagascar.


I went camping at the weekend it was very hot! Inside the tent was hot when i got changed. I played lots of football and rode on my bike.My bed collapsed in the night and I ended up on the floor. I held a snake it was slimy it made me shiver. I cant wait until next time.



Next time we play rugby we are going to tackle I think it’s going to be amazing ! we do not have tags yes !




We are moving house on the 25th of may!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are living in a bigger house and me and Mia share a fence in our gardens.

when I start Selwood I can walk with Mia,Hattie,Elliot and Freya D.We can ride our bikes to the Frome Flyer.It takes 3-5 minutes but if you walk it takes about 10 minutes.We also can go to the rugby field and the green with everyone.

SO EXICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Weymouth beach!

On Saturday we went to Weymouth beach with some friends! We found a crab that was really scary looking but still cute, when we put it back to the sea it disappeared into the sand! We also found lots of shells and clams.

We made a moat with sand castles on it and paddled in the water. There were lots of donkeys on the beach too!

When we left after our chips, loads of seagulls came flying at us after our chips we had dropped and mummy screamed!

Then we went to the amusement park and I went on all the big rides as I’m not scared I love them!

Hope everyone enjoyed the sun this weekend!


Acting Owls

Owls class have been looking at the works of Shakespeare with MrStone. They acted out ‘The witches’ spell: Macbeth, Act Four, Scene 1’. They then constructed their own individual witches spells. As a class we then put these together to make the ‘Owls Witches Spell’. Please watch our videos at the end of our spells.

 Owl Class Witches Spell

Double, double toil and trouble

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Round about the cauldron go

In the poisoned entrails throw


Round and squishy blue bird’s eye

Dad’s red and black spotty tie

For a charm of powerful trouble

Like a hell broth boil and bubble


Ancient homework wrapped in foil

Teacher’s glasses in brown soil

Half a cup of water cold

Teeth of a shark really old


Rainbow rays and dark green dye

Tied together with dads tie

Light green dye rains from the sky

When I see it I will cry


A thousand volts from a bolt

Eye-ball of shark, wing of lark

Head of squid with piece of bread

Slimy snout from pig, quite dead



Slimy broken metal brain

In goes a bubbly quick train

Green blobs ear wax in goes two

Stinky smelly cheese, snakes poo


Put in a cheeky smile

You get it from the Nile

Pull a chest hair from a clown

Fry it till it’s nice and brown


Get some belly button fluff

After play some Blind Man’s Bluff

In the cauldron pour rat juice

White and fluffy wings of goose


Purple bones from a toy shop

Sticky pink sweets that go pop

Hulks shoulders, great big boulders

Mrs Langton’s huge folders


De’geas hands and Bales legs

Hanging on some smelly pegs

Messis left foot, Neuers arm

In the cauldron on the farm


In goes brain with fur balls too,

In an hour it will be two

Stir chicken with smelly socks

Pour it in a big fat box


Chopped off finger and a ball

And a shark tooth on a stool

Cows tongue Steven Halkin’s brain,

Hair from a mum, toothache pain.


Broken glass a baby’s heart,

Witches wild treat eyeball tart.

Lovely scrumptious pig, black dye,

Cup of rotten tea, weird pie.


A pigs eye a tail of rat,

A bat goes in with a hat

A bull’s horn and octopus

A cat and Stegosaurus


Roony’s boots, a football lace

Both together in a case

Ronaldo’s boots in a waste

West ham crushed to make a paste


Shiny duster cruel bee’s sting

Cobra venom black flies wing,

Creepy slimy owlet’s eye

Next in goes a rotten pie



Giant gun and two long belts

Electric wires and green paint felts

One piece of nice chocolate cake

In the cauldron boil and bake


For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell broth boil and bubble

Double, double toil and trouble

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.