Tuesday At School

On tuesday we went to see the olympic torch .My favert bit was seeing the torch. it had gold rings around.The fire wont go out until  it gets back to greece.There was2 cocacola lorrys and some people ran past and we got to high five them.Next these two men went past on these stillts. they were on the stillts so that we could hear them and one of the men had to run down to the end and we had a practise so we had to cheer really loudly.I liked the bit when the men on stilts jumped I thought that there legs would be really achy when  they had been to loads of places.We went to the st johns church to see if it was like are are church or not.It wasnt like are church because it had a play area and there was an  old piano with lots of pullers.There was a play bit where jesus was on the cross and joseph and mary was there. there was  the cave where the the stone had been rolled away.

Posted in Gallery, Squirrels.