Super awesome building snowmen
o-one should hate being in snow
Obviously everyone should love sledging
Windy,cold freezing like a blizzard
I fall but never get back up
I’m unique but not a fingerprint
I am sometimes part of a ball but I am not leather
If I get warm enough I go away but I’m not a winter wordrobe
I am sometimes part of a man but I don’t have any skin
What am I?
A snowman!!!
In the snow my dad found one of his old skateboards and he took the wheels of so he could use it as a snowboard then we went to a hill by the Rugby Club then Eloise went down the hill with it and she was doing so well and got so far then…OOF she fell and hurt he face!!
I was just sat on the sledge having a rest while I could and then my dad decided to pull me down the hill I was not at already for it but it was fun. After a fun time in the snow we walked to the Rugby Club with Freddie and Ava. Brad and my Dad we drinking whistle me and Ava were playing on my phone 😀
When were playing in the snow my mum decided to stay inside (like she always does) while we had the best time ever in the snow!!!!! A couple hours later we had some tea it was delicious we had roast beef with carrots, Yorkshire puddings and potatoes it was awesome and tasty.
My day in the snow was great and I hope yours was to!! 😀