Caravan weekend!

We went swimming on the first full day there.The pool was massive.We went shopping (clothes) and Mummy bought me a onesie!

The next day we played crazy golf. We went home early on the Sunday because the storm was due. So on the Monday we went bowling.

On friday

On Friday after school Izzy took me to her caravan. First we had to go home . then we got into the van me and Izzy were in the front and Izzy’s mum drove. When we got there it was nearly tea time so we went to this soft play area . there’s one for small children  and one for big children . we were in there for a long time . there was arcades and you had to win tickets and then you put them in a machine and you get a letter saying how many you got.

The purple cauliflower

It tasted the same as white cauliflower. It turned blue when we cooked it.My brother william didn’t try the cauliflower because he thought that he was going to get a blue  tongue.

The purple cauliflower

Tonight we are having purple cauliflower for tea, we got it from the farm shop. Me and my sister think that someone has dyed it. I think that it will taste the same.


Apples are fun and other news!

The highlight of Badgers week was that we got to go to the Apple store in Bath. We were all very excited about getting to play with the ipads and the ipad minis.
The staff at the Apple store were very impressed by how many musical instruments we all can play and especially that we get taught two instruments at school. They think we are very lucky.
Our first treat was that we all got a bright yellow apple t-shirt that said ‘Fun is in session’ on the back! Miss P couldn’t wait to put her t-shirt on!

We got to make music in groups on an app called Garage Band, (that we are now going to have at school for continued use). There were so many different types of drums, violins, guitars and pianos to choose from and listen to and apply to our creations.
Kian, Leon and Hattie made music and what they love the most is that they can now play it on their computers as we all got given a USB with our very own original song on it.
Yasmin and Zoe created a track on Garage Band and they had a theme of trying to make it sound really really scary.
Charlie and Alex made a cool sound with the violins and added in other instruments to complement that particular sound.
Nate and Gracie-May took turns in adding music into their song which they both thought worked well.
Lily, Gracie-May and Amelia recorded their own original song called Moonlight, which you can find here on the website. It is very impressive.
Sam showed his talents well as he was able to recreate an Ollie Murs song on the keyboard! Whilst Kenny, added his own creative flare on top with other instruments, a great remix.
Toby and Jamie, created at least 3 songs, all very different as the showed just how whizzy children can be on technological equipment.

Miss P and Mrs Hirons took lots of pictures and videos of us creating music and having lots of fun! You can find a few on the website. Go have a look!

Also last week, we learnt a new song in French and it’s called Bonjour. Test us we are really good!
In maths we looked at Odds and Evens. We know that all numbers that end in 0,2,4,6,8 MUST be even and if it ends in 1,3,5,7,9 it MUST be odd. We also discovered that adding an odd and odd together it always makes an even number and adding an even and even together also makes an even number.
In literacy we looked at Antonyms which are words that have the opposite meaning.
We came up with loads these are a few of our favourites:
Kian suggested Bonjour and Au revoir!
Charlie suggested Gravity and Air Resistence
Polite to impolite (prefix)
Use and Useless (Suffix)
In Badgers we are a very clever class!

This week we are looking at Persuasive writing and are all become very good at persuading each other on just about anything even that a chocolate teapot is a good idea or that playtimes are a waste of time!!

Badgers over and out.

Rabbits Today

We have been learning about the past,present and future.

These are some the things we did in the present.

Today we were time travelers.

Today we looked at 3d shapes.

Today we played with the parachute.

Today we had playtime.

Today we learnt about the present, past and future.

Today we made time traveler watches.

Today we played with the playdough.

Today we played with the sand.

Today we had singing assembly.

Today we had lunch.

Today we are going home .


Tree climbing

  1. Amelia had a sleep over at my house after Beau and Isaacs birthday party.
  2. The next day me, Elliot, Amelia,mummy and Daddy went to Moors Valley.
  3. We had lunch with really nice chips.
  4. After ,we went on all the play trail things that we saw.
  5. We went Tree climbing it was amazing.

Black and White

Last week we started our new topic, Black and White. We all got to dress up in black and white, there were cats, witches, skeletons, cows, sheep, zebra, dog onsies, penguins, waiters and much more!
In class we had a brain storm about all the things we thought related to the black and white topic and we hope to find out more about some of our ideas over the coming weeks.



In art this week we learnt about silhouettes and created our own. Miss Pennington thinks they are all amazing and we cant wait for you to see them on parents evening.

In history we have started to learn about a very important man called Martin Luther King Jr. He wanted peace between black and white people across America and for everything to be equal and fair, including playing together as children, jobs, seats on buses and the right to vote. He did a very famous speech called ‘I have a dream’. We are looking forward to learning more about him as we think he is a very kind man and we couldnt understand why people didnt agree with him straight away.

As part of our homework last week we have all created a prayer each, and each week one poem will be chosen to be read out at the end of each day. This week Zoe’s prayer is being read out. It is about praying for the homeless to have food, water and the chance to learn like us.

In music we have all been working very hard on the Harvest songs and in English on our Harvest Poem. We cant wait to share it with you in Church this week.
We also got to play the violins and started to learn how to pluck the strings and they are called G D A E.

In French we continued with how to have a conversation, ask questions, how are you? and what is your name? Also we looked at colours and learnt Black and White in French which is Noir and Blanc. We have learnt up to 15 in French. This week we are going to learn up to 20!

As Badgers we are all working and playing hard and we cant wait to learn lots more.

Over and out.
Badgers and Miss P