Family Service

It was lovely to see the Berkley children at today’s Family Service. It was a wonderful service all about forgiveness. Well done to Ellis, Isaac, Rudy, Jacob, Laila, Matthew and Yanah for delivering that message. Every person I spoke to said how brilliantly you all performed (and I agree!).

A lovely afternoon in Badgers


Well done to Badgers for sketching beautiful pictures of the Hindu Gods. You have also taught me some very interesting facts today. It was nice to celebrate by reading in the autumn sunshine!



The start of a new week

The sun is rising over the outdoor classroom to indicate the start of an exciting new weeks’s learning in Berkley school! The goals have been put into place (sorry…I couldn’t resist!)




Place value

Well done to badgers class for working really hard to understand place value in maths. I have been very impressed with your levels of enthusiasm so please keep up the hard work!

Appeal for books

Does anyone have any spare childrens books just lying around? Also any comics/annuals/plays/childrens magazines that you are no longer using? We would love you to bring these items in as these would be of interest to the children at Berkley. Thank you for all of your support. Greg Banton.

Family picnic

Badgers class really enjoyed the family picnic and we thought it was really fun.  There were lots of exciting activities including making masks, orienteering, rugby passing, jumping over the bricks and many more. Sadly, because it was raining we had our picnics inside our classrooms but it was still fantastic! It was amazing showing everyone the cute, furry rabbits. We enjoyed showing the guests that included our friends, parents and siblings around the school. In the church we enjoyed listening to the poems from Rabbits, Squirrels and Owls. We also enjoyed reading our own!!


Year 3 rugby tournament

On May 20th 2015, 11 year 3 children took part in the annual Frome schools Tag Rugby Tournament, which is usually for year 4 children. The weather was rather chilly yet sunny and much better than the rest of the week. The children all played brilliantly and gave it there all! There were some close matches and they certainly saved the best till he last match where they won 5-2, with tries from Mia, Henry, Billy, Rowan and Katie. All the parents and Miss P cheered and shouted encouragement throughout while Mr Groves did super coaching, subbing and gave the children great advice.
Thank you to all who took part. The children represented Berkley brilliantly! Next year the children will be challenging for the title! Come on Berkley!

Literacy story walks with iPads

Today the children in Badgers and Owls have had a lot of fun finding out parts to a story using GPS on an ipad and the having to solve lots of riddles!

They then created their own in groups, and shared their riddles with each other.

Here are some pictures of the day!

Miss Pennington and Mrs Langton
Badgers and Owls

ZooLab with Badgers and Owls

Please have a look at the fun creatures we got to see, touch and hold today.
Have a lovely holiday everyone

Miss. Pennington in the Big Apple!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Easter. I have been enjoying a good break and had a lovely trip to New York.
Here is a picture of the skyline, myself in the M and Ms store and Central Park!!

PS Badgers I’ve got a picture of myself reading in a random place! Hope you’ve got yours sorted!

Bronze Certificates

In Badgers class since September the children have been earning merit marks for going above and beyond, this can be for work or play.
These children so far have achieved their 10 merits and received their Bronze certificates in the last term which is fantastic and are now on to the Silver Merit challenge which is 20 merits. I hope to see the whole of badgers class with 10 merits by the end of next term!
Well done!
Miss P

We’re glad you are having an amazing time Hattie!

Hello Hattie,
Glad you are having a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing pictures and answering all our questions.

Zoe – I loved the pictures of the Koala bears you have taken.

Sam – You have a lovely tan and very blonde hair!

Charlie – Did you get to hold one of the Koala bears?

Nate – I really loved all the pictures.

Amelia – Have you tried any more strange foods?

Lily – The Kangaroo scared us all a little as it looked like he was sitting on a snake!  Have you seen a snake yet?

Kenny – How many new animals have you seen?

Leon – Have you tried any different fish?

Yasmin – Did the Koala run fast across the field?

We all wish we were there the weather looks fabulous!
Miss you very much
Love Badgers


We miss you Hattie! xxxx

Dear Hattie
All of badgers here. We hope you are having a brillant buzzing time!
We have (lots!) of questions we would like to ask you.
Yasmin: Have you seen a Koala Bear yet? and could you please bring one back with you!!
Lily:Have you seen a crocodile when you went down the Great Ocean Road? What other foods have you tried?
Mrs Perry: Did you ride the Stagecoach in Ballarat?
Charlie: What did the kangaroo taste like? We are all wondering!
Kian: Did you go fishing on the Great Ocean Road?
Archie: Can you tell us more about the Great Ocean Road please?
Leon: Did you enjoy the water park? What was your favourite ride?
Lily: Have you or will you see a Great White Shark?
Leon: Where are you staying at the moment?
Yasmin: Have you been on a glass bottom boat to see the coral/ sea creatures?
Miss Pennington: What is it like seeing your family for the first time?

Please please pleaaasssseee bring the sunshine home with you!!
Hope you are safe from the bush fires.
Have an amazing rest of your trip!

From all of us in Badgers


Apples are fun and other news!

The highlight of Badgers week was that we got to go to the Apple store in Bath. We were all very excited about getting to play with the ipads and the ipad minis.
The staff at the Apple store were very impressed by how many musical instruments we all can play and especially that we get taught two instruments at school. They think we are very lucky.
Our first treat was that we all got a bright yellow apple t-shirt that said ‘Fun is in session’ on the back! Miss P couldn’t wait to put her t-shirt on!

We got to make music in groups on an app called Garage Band, (that we are now going to have at school for continued use). There were so many different types of drums, violins, guitars and pianos to choose from and listen to and apply to our creations.
Kian, Leon and Hattie made music and what they love the most is that they can now play it on their computers as we all got given a USB with our very own original song on it.
Yasmin and Zoe created a track on Garage Band and they had a theme of trying to make it sound really really scary.
Charlie and Alex made a cool sound with the violins and added in other instruments to complement that particular sound.
Nate and Gracie-May took turns in adding music into their song which they both thought worked well.
Lily, Gracie-May and Amelia recorded their own original song called Moonlight, which you can find here on the website. It is very impressive.
Sam showed his talents well as he was able to recreate an Ollie Murs song on the keyboard! Whilst Kenny, added his own creative flare on top with other instruments, a great remix.
Toby and Jamie, created at least 3 songs, all very different as the showed just how whizzy children can be on technological equipment.

Miss P and Mrs Hirons took lots of pictures and videos of us creating music and having lots of fun! You can find a few on the website. Go have a look!

Also last week, we learnt a new song in French and it’s called Bonjour. Test us we are really good!
In maths we looked at Odds and Evens. We know that all numbers that end in 0,2,4,6,8 MUST be even and if it ends in 1,3,5,7,9 it MUST be odd. We also discovered that adding an odd and odd together it always makes an even number and adding an even and even together also makes an even number.
In literacy we looked at Antonyms which are words that have the opposite meaning.
We came up with loads these are a few of our favourites:
Kian suggested Bonjour and Au revoir!
Charlie suggested Gravity and Air Resistence
Polite to impolite (prefix)
Use and Useless (Suffix)
In Badgers we are a very clever class!

This week we are looking at Persuasive writing and are all become very good at persuading each other on just about anything even that a chocolate teapot is a good idea or that playtimes are a waste of time!!

Badgers over and out.

Black and White

Last week we started our new topic, Black and White. We all got to dress up in black and white, there were cats, witches, skeletons, cows, sheep, zebra, dog onsies, penguins, waiters and much more!
In class we had a brain storm about all the things we thought related to the black and white topic and we hope to find out more about some of our ideas over the coming weeks.



In art this week we learnt about silhouettes and created our own. Miss Pennington thinks they are all amazing and we cant wait for you to see them on parents evening.

In history we have started to learn about a very important man called Martin Luther King Jr. He wanted peace between black and white people across America and for everything to be equal and fair, including playing together as children, jobs, seats on buses and the right to vote. He did a very famous speech called ‘I have a dream’. We are looking forward to learning more about him as we think he is a very kind man and we couldnt understand why people didnt agree with him straight away.

As part of our homework last week we have all created a prayer each, and each week one poem will be chosen to be read out at the end of each day. This week Zoe’s prayer is being read out. It is about praying for the homeless to have food, water and the chance to learn like us.

In music we have all been working very hard on the Harvest songs and in English on our Harvest Poem. We cant wait to share it with you in Church this week.
We also got to play the violins and started to learn how to pluck the strings and they are called G D A E.

In French we continued with how to have a conversation, ask questions, how are you? and what is your name? Also we looked at colours and learnt Black and White in French which is Noir and Blanc. We have learnt up to 15 in French. This week we are going to learn up to 20!

As Badgers we are all working and playing hard and we cant wait to learn lots more.

Over and out.
Badgers and Miss P

Badgers…En Francais

This week we started to learn a new language, French. We all learnt how to say Hello, which is Bonjour, my name is… J’mappelle….
Goodbye is Au revoir and we learnt how are you. Which is ca va? And to answer you say ca va bien. If you feel good.
We are really excited to learn more French.. (Families you can test us at home!)
Charlie wants to find out about food.. and what are you cooking?
Kenny would like to learn the days of the week.
Hattie would like to learn how to say.. what are we doing today? And Alex added what work are we doing today?
Hopefully over the next few weeks and months we will become super duper french speakers!

This week we had recorders officially for the first time and we all learnt how to hold it and play the first note B. We now know that the squiggle at the beginning of a piece of music is called a Treble Clef and that it is on a row of lines called a Stave. We also had our first Violin lesson and we cant wait to start playing it properly next week!

In literacy we looked at alliteration which we all found fun to do. We just came up with the twisting, topped, tortoise made terribly, terrifying noises! Many of us then used alliteration in our Extended Writing task.
We looked at stories and wrote about a spooky, dusty ancient door that we all had a picture of. Some people wrote about the things that were behind the door.. others couldn’t get through the door and some told an adventure story of how they found the door and where it was.

In numeracy we have been looking at place value and all the children have been able to parition big 3 digit numbers into Hundreds Tens and Units. We have also started to learn the 3 times table and have promised Miss P to practise every evening for 2 minutes at least!

In art we have created a giant jigsaw with one piece created by each child to represented themselves and to show how we all fit together as a class.

Looking forward to telling you all lots more about what we have been getting up too in Badgers over the coming weeks.

Au Revoir!

Badgers first week back

Hello Badger fans,

We are back and want to share with you our first week in year3!

On Tuesday, we met our new teacher for year 3 for only the second time. Her name is Miss Pennington and she is lovely, we have had a wonderful first week with her.

Our classroom is completely different to how it was before the summer. It now has an interactive whiteboard, display walls, pegs for our coats, places for our lunch boxes and a visual daily routine chart.

We have a new child called Alex and everyone has made him very welcome. His favourite things are football and basketball. Alex says he really likes being in Badgers, as everyone is really nice.

Miss Pennington made us play a game with toilet paper on our first day!
We got to decorate our Maths books with all the numbers that are important to us. We have all been practising our handwriting after our long summer, which is a little tricky to get back into.

We have learnt a fun word game called Boggle, it is where you have 16 letters and you make as many words as you can. We also then share our words with others. We challenge ourselves to find 6 or 7 letter words.

We have also been playing word games with that involve VCOP, which stands for

V: Vocabulary

C: Connectives



Mrs Randell came in and chatted to us about starting to play the recorder. We are all extremely excited to learn a new instrument.

Our first extended writing was about a picture of a beautiful tulip field, Toby said that the clouds looked like candy floss. WOW descriptive words used.

On Friday we got to do P.E with Mr Groves, we did lots of multi skill games including: grapes, treasure and sticky bits.

In golden time we had it in Owls class, we played lots of games. Hattie played Guess Who with Yasmin, Gracie and Lily, it was really good fun.

We are looking forward to the the new week.

Till the next time

Badgers over and out