On the wow day I had a wonderful time!And i really appreciate that some of the mums ,dads , teachers and some other people came and put lots of effert in to it.
Monthly Archives: January 2012
Im coming home
I am waiting for my plane back home from st lucia. Mummy has just shown me the pictures from the wow day and it looked good. I have learnt to swim with no arm bands and seen bull frogs and lizards, see you on tuesday.
Fantastic Thursday!
I know that I am biased but if I was aged between 4-9 I wouldn’t want to go to any other school but Berkley School!! The WOW day was a wonderful way to start the week.
The ‘Jumping Jellybeans’ club took place and some children have been to Forest Schools this week.
This morning the Badgers went to the sports’ centre for their swimming lesson followed by an exciting science investigation with Mrs Langton involving blowing bubbles !!
After lunch Badgers class welcomed Dave and Nick who gave us a Rookie First Aider’s taster session. We spent a brilliant hour learning to apply bandages to one another’s arms and heads. We also learnt how to make a simple sling to support a painful wrist. Hopefully Dave and Nick will be able to run an after school club for us.
Then we put on our old clothes and wellies and went back up onto the field to enjoy all the activities that were built for the Wow day. We got very muddy as it has been raining a bit this week but it was great fun and we’ll be going again tomorrow!!
And – finally – after school was over – a group of children and Mrs Hirons and I stayed to a ‘Photography Club’. Uri, the photographer showed us a whole range of cameras and equipment and we found out all about them. It was really very interesting. Uri made it great fun.
Next week we are going to begin to take photos – then later we are going to mount and frame them, set up an exhibition, learn to market our product and finally try to sell them!!! All the profits going to Berkley School. I can’t wait!
What a great day.
Mrs White
Flash The Dog
I got a new dog and his name is Flash. We got him 2 days after Boxing Day, he is a Fox Red Labrador. He has got used to us now, he is really cute and he is funny, he has browny gold fur. He sleeps alot and plays alot.
We took him to the vets today to have his injections because he cannot go outside for walks until he has had them.
I love him lots!
Wow Day film clips
I have just been showing Mr White [who helped put up the assault course on the school field] and my daughter Rosanne all of the brilliant pictures of the day. And at the bottom I found the fantastic film clips that Mrs Hirons has put on for us all to see. Have you watched it yet? Look at all the smiling faces and listen to all the laughter!! What a great day we had.
The art work is looking good too!!!
Mrs White
wow day
We had a wow day. There were paw prints in the sand pit. Also there was a green tent, with some candles and a cooking pot inside hanging from some sticks. Also there were some hay bales and a big nest with a massive egg inside it. The nest had a little egg shell aswell and an apple. There were also tyres, and metal spoke hanging from a tree. Also there was a slide with a blue sheet over it. When you went down the slide your feet fell in to mud. Also there was a castle which had a rocking chair in it and a big spider web and a wand. Also a bit of the play trail had some balloons on it. Also there were some christmas trees wich was a forest.
The fun day
On wow day I had a fun day I went on the tent.
wow day
I loved the haystacks.
We have just had the most wonderful WOW Day!!! I think the adults had as much fun as the children!!
This term our creative curriculum topic goes under the umbrella name of ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. It is going to be primarily a geography based topic made up of a series of smaller units. All areas of work will be driven by our wish to spend lots of time outside using our environment in as many inventive ways as we can.
So…. we started by building a sort of assault course on the school field. I am sure you will find lots of photos in the gallery. There were huge hay bales draped with cargo nets making tunnels to crawl through,an enormous tent, ropes strung between trees to swing and climb along, ladders to climb and trampettes to bounce on, there was a marshy area to navigate using stepping stones, a set of tubular tunnels draped with more cargo nets to crawl through, an ‘ ice palace’, a mini forest, a sand pit, and water filled balloons to navigate whilst walking along a rope bridge and more!
We were very pleased with our results. BUT when we came to school this morning we discovered that we had been visited over night by a mysterious creature. ‘Something’ had been using our assault course.
We gave the children a ‘forensic kit’ so that they could search the field for clues. And they found lots!! There was fur of many different colours, there were feathers and something that looked like blood [ but was it?], we found giant footprints in the sandpit and tiny ones all over the place. Something had been trapping giant bugs and putting them in a cauldron and a fire had been lit in the tent – we know because there was cold ash in the fireplace. At the back of the field was what looked like a giant nest! It was filled with leaves and there were some broken egg shells – some of these were hen’s eggs but some were giant eggs.
It was exciting and a real mystery. We returned to school to think about what we had seen and using all our ideas we each drew an ‘identikit’ picture of what we thought the mysterious creature might have looked like. Now we are going to paint them.
What a thrilling time we had – we were lucky with the weather which was perfect and we would especially like to thanks everybody to helped in whatever way. The children will be able to use the assault course for the rest of the week before we dismantle it on Friday. Look out for more pictures and information about all our follow up work!!!
Mrs White
The funest day at school
The day we had today today was fabulous. We were looking and searching on the field for clues about a creature or monster that visited the field. I found some blood and some paw prints. I drew a picture of a colourful bunny dragon. I think that’s what visited the field and I used my imagination. I hope everyone enjoyed the day the same as me.
school tomorrow
I miss rabbits class. I am excited to see henry and elliot tomorrow. I hope its not raining so we can run and run really fast outside.
Happy new year
Happy new year to everyone. Father christmas came and I was really excited. He brought me Toffee the Pony and a glowing polar bear which I liked the best. I went to see Aladdin with Georgia and my granny and gramps and I loved the princess and the genie. Wishy washy squirted us with water! I had some Barbie toys which I love playing with. We saw lots of our friends at christmas and had lots of fun.
what I did at xmas
on christmas eve I was very pleased that xmas was finally here.We went to the frome flyer with Megan Catilin Cassy James and paul .we were all very Tired when we got home. In the morning we were up about 6am. We went into mummy and daddy’s room and said our stockings aren’t here where could they be? Then we looked behind our door and our stockings were there. I said to mummy and daddy santa tricked us didn’t he. Then we opened the presents in our stockings and I got stardust, a glowing polar bear light, and lots of other things like instead of a real orange a chocolate orange. After that we went downstairs and we closed our eyes and there were really really big white footprints on the floor. Santa has been! And he had written on my letter. Let’s see what he brought us …… Maddie I said you could open that present over there and then I will open this big present. I think it is my main present mummy I said. I wonder if it is. I opened it then I screamed and said it is my main present and it was a bunny and I fed it a carrot and then it went to sleep. I loved xmas the most because I got to spend lots of time with my family and that’s what I love best about xmas.
All creatures great and small project – 1
We are designing a wooden elefant and ladybird.
Elefants have six toes.
- Legs!
We are in Switzerland on holiday.
There is lots of snow.
Grandad got poorly and had to go to intensiv care in an ambalans.
And we went to see him. He is feeling betar.
We went sledging.
- more snow
- snowball
- sledging
- snow
- wen grandad is poorly
- our car!