I am moving up to Badgers and i am going to miss some of my friends in squirrels .
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Frank the peacock
Frank has tail feathers that grow every spring and then fall out every summer. I like Frank the peacock.
Year 4 are currently working on their Leaver’s Service. It is a time of mixed emotions for the staff. We are proud to see the progress of these children – it only seems a moment ago when they were tiny 4 year olds shyly standing at the edges of the playground. So much has happened over the five years that they have been with us and they have grown and matured to the children they are now. Some have joined us on the way but most have been with us the whole time.
Now they are confident and demonstrate leadership qualities. They comfort the younger children and lead them in games at playtimes. They take responsibility and support staff in school.
In a few days they will leave us and move on to Selwood. They will be the youngest again. But they will make their mark and continue to grow and develop. We wish them all the very best and the greatest success for the future.
Violin Recital
Imagine thirty four 7,8and 9 year olds each with a violin, viola or cello. Then add a satisfyingly large audience of parents, grandparents, little brothers and sisters and friends. Into this mix add a music teacher and you will have Badgers class on Friday afternoon.
Year 4 have been learning their instrument for two years and Year 3 since September. The room was filled with music and the standard was gratifyingly good.
We will really miss Hywel Jenkins – Mr J – as he is leaving to open a music shop.
We have really appreciated his lovely calm and patient manner and his excellent teaching skills.
My favourite instrument is a bassoon and I like playing the recorder.My favourite music is the Witch docter.My mum has all 4 sizes of recorder and I like playing them.
Yesterday I went to chapmanslade bbq! There was golf,a train,bowling,a tombola and there was a stall selling things.My cousin came to.On the stall I bought 2 teddys for 40p and a box of things for 10p!
Violin Recital
We played the violin and cello to some of our mums and dads. We played fast lane and tip toe boo!It was mr Js last day and Im really going to miss him.
Violin and Cello Recital
Last Friday we had a Recital because it was our last Friday of term. I did a solo on the Cello.
Eco Team
I like the eco team because we had fun with the binoculars and the magnifying glass. and it was a happy day. i am looking forward to going into Mrs Whites class because there are lots of fun toys.
My Lovely Day
Today my grandad came from st ives. He slept over and went to see my great granny. He works at st ives junior school too ! Then I went shopping and had lunch
My Holiday
I cant wait until I go on holiday to spain .I am going to have a wonderful time in a lovely house where we can go to the beach alot . we are going on the 8th of august too !
I am going with my mummy daddy and sister too!
Moving Up
I cant wait until I move up to badgers class. I think I will have lots of fun trying new things with other people also with my friends. I am very exited too!
Take That
I went to see take that in wembley. It took us 3 hours to get there. When we got there we walked to the tube station. We meet a friend and had tea with her. After we walked back to the wembley stadium. We had to walk though the security. Eventually we got our seats. I sat next to a teenage girl she was nice. 1 hour later 2 men came on called the pet shop boys. After them there was a count down on. it was 2 minutes then the 4 of them came on,Gary,Howard,Jason and Mark they sang some songs from the circus and patients albums.[we also had scarfs and whistles] Then a man called Robbie came on he sang some of his songs. Suddenly all 5 of them were on the stage. They sang some new songs from their new album the progress and some old ones. When it finshed at 11:30 we slowly made are way out. When we got to the car we got tucked up and went to sleep. When we got home it was 2:20 so we went straight to bed.
by abi
Fun Events
I really like the special events of going on school trips and having lovely visitors like the archer, knight and the falconer. I really the falconer because all his birds were cute and funny .i loved the fantastic barn owl and its lovely soft feathers . i liked the knight and the archer too .and defenitly windsor castle.
My duck has layed ten eggs and she is going to hatch them. Last time she hatched all 13 eggs and dad thinks she is going to start sitting on them on saturday.
WOW 120
Wow 120 we are doing so well. Keep going.
By abigail
Swimming Club
I went swimming and I did my 400m. I’ am so pleased with my self and my family. Woh
i am going to have fun on holiday with my mummy and daddy.
1. why should sports day never be held in the jungle? there are too many cheetahs.
2.what goes cackle cackle splat? a witch flying into a lamppost.
3.what part of the swimming pool is never the same? the changing rooms.
4.what do you call a bear with no ear? a b.
5.how do you stop a rhino from charging? take away its credit card.
Me kit and evie made a new drink called citric fizz and its really nice!!!!
Summer Holidays
In the summer holidays I am going to the forest of dean and Im going to watch harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 in the cinema!!!!!!!!!!!
Oscar Winners
I got picked to go to the oscars with two other people and mrs white. My dad picked me up and took me to the merlin. All the other people won something, but we won two things an oscar and a outstanding achievement. The outstanding achievement was for the Icarus and Daedalus and the oscar was for there plaqueman movie by the year fours. I did the Icarus and Daedalus one.
Media Arts Winning an Oscar
We won an oscar for teeth and we won a star for icarus and deadalas in media arts!
kennys quil
I made a quil and shode it at scool.
I got the fethr from mi granee and grandads peekok kalld frank
- frank
- frank the peekok
i am going on holiday with jack d to the beach.
Selwood Fair.
I went to Selwood fair on 12.7.11. It had circus skills, a puppet show, romeo and julliet.
Division can be fun!
This week the Badgers have been working on division problems in numeracy! ‘Oh no!’ I can hear you all groaning , ‘not division!’. Well in Badgers there was not this reaction because we have had lots of fun dividing!!
We have played a range of games; lotto and snap, games on the computer and TARZIA which is a puzzle game which I make especially for each group. We have played brilliant games on the laptops which have required some pretty quick thinking and some of us have had a go at some mental maths Speaking and Listening activities which also involved division.
We have also done some recording but not too much as the main point was to practise dividing as much as possible in our heads.
Luckily over the week I had help from Mrs Perry, Mrs Pang, Mrs Wheeler, Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Harding and Mrs Snell [ not all at once!] which meant that we could really differentiate the activities finely and we all saw the children making good progress and HAVING FUN!
Play Trail
I like the playtrail and the tyres because they are fun.
Fun at Berkley School
I love it at berkley.I wish I could stay at berkley forever.
i love my mummy
Bayeux Tapestry
We have been learning about the Bayeux Tapestry. It’s not actually a tapestry but an embroidery. It shows the Norman invasion in 1066.
We are making our own tapestry. Everyone is making a piece of their own and then joining it together. We are going to call it the Berkley Tapestry!!!
school trips
I like going on school trips and I really liked going to windsor castle
medieval day
It all started when a archey man came in and talked about archery and showed us it then some people had a go.After lunch we went up to the libary and an a man that makes amour and yous to be a knight.Some people tried it on. The weapons were amazing. After that a bird man came in a falcon,2 owls and some more. I hold did one it was’t heavy and we led on the ground and the owl flew over are heads.
I like playing with my pets and I like stroking them because they are soft
medieval day
medieval day was brilliant and I even got to have a go at archery.
Medieval Banquet Day
Today we had another of our ‘WOW’ days and for me it was the most perfect day. The rain held off which was a blessing as in the morning we were visited by an archer who set up his targets on the school field. He demonstrated his skills to us and some children were able to have a go. Olivia scored a bullseye with her first arrow! We all brought medieval style lunches and wore amazing hats and crowns that we had made.
In the afternoon we met the armourer. He brought a range of ring mail, helmets, plate armour and weapons. The children were able to try some of the items on and impressed the armourer with their knowledge of medieval weaponry and of how to attack and defend a castle.
Then we met the falconer. He brought two Harris Hawks and two different owls. They flew around the field, skimming over our heads and causing great excitement.
As a teacher I think this was one of my favourite days of the year, and believe me there have been lots of great ones! So I am sure that the children must have really enjoyed themselves. They are certainly very fortunate – such a memorable and wonderful day can only enhance their education and give them a real enthusiasm for learning!
I am going to be in a show at the Memorial Theatre. Iam a show ponny.I am rilly happy because lots of people are coming to watch me.
Kimono girl
i cant wait until my show on friday i am going to be a chinese lady. i am going to wear a kimono it is very pretty and beautiful im wearing a lot of
magnifecent make up.
Dinosaur Bones
My fravfroot book is dinosaurs because i like seeing the bones.
Writing lots
I like extended writing because you get to write lots of it.
Special Visitors
I am really excited about a knight and an archer coming to school.
Our Day at Windsor Castle
‘I liked it when we got off the coach and saw the soldiers’ Tiffany
‘ I liked the museum because it had things from the kings and queens and the throne’ Oscar
‘I liked it when we saw the coats of arms that all the knights had ‘ Ben
‘I liked it when i saw all the soldiers’ Jessica
‘ I liked the bullet that shot Nelson ‘ Ruby
‘I liked it when we tried to find the throne’ Rebbeca
‘ I liked drawing the pictures’ Finley
‘ I liked the shields on the ceiling ‘ Rhapsody
‘I liked when we went in the castle’ Christopher
‘I liked seeing Queen Elizabeth sitting on a throne’ Holly
‘ I liked the Queen’s house’ Jacob