it is my birthday soon and i am gowing to legoland.
Category Archives: Squirrels
I Think
i think the show will be great.
My show
I am excited abowt my show. mummy is coming to see it.
Horse Racing
We went to watch the horse racing because it was Grandads birthday.
- horse racing
- Beau Kenny Margot
- gocee
I like my drawer because it is very different. It says Jamie and it is blue.
New Class
i like being in Squirrels because i like my new teachers
Being a Year 1
i like it in Squirrels because we get to hear stories and we do handwriting and spellings
I like….
I like lego in Squirrels and playtime .
I Like
i like watching Percy the park keeper.
Brilliant Bowling
me and holly went bowling with my mum.mummy won both games which was annoying.
holly did very well, for it was her first time bowling ever.
Fantastic France
I like swimming .I have been to the pool every day. It is very hot and sunny.
Moving Up
I am moving up to Badgers and i am going to miss some of my friends in squirrels .
Eco Team
I like the eco team because we had fun with the binoculars and the magnifying glass. and it was a happy day. i am looking forward to going into Mrs Whites class because there are lots of fun toys.
My Lovely Day
Today my grandad came from st ives. He slept over and went to see my great granny. He works at st ives junior school too ! Then I went shopping and had lunch
My Holiday
I cant wait until I go on holiday to spain .I am going to have a wonderful time in a lovely house where we can go to the beach alot . we are going on the 8th of august too !
I am going with my mummy daddy and sister too!
Moving Up
I cant wait until I move up to badgers class. I think I will have lots of fun trying new things with other people also with my friends. I am very exited too!
Fun Events
I really like the special events of going on school trips and having lovely visitors like the archer, knight and the falconer. I really the falconer because all his birds were cute and funny .i loved the fantastic barn owl and its lovely soft feathers . i liked the knight and the archer too .and defenitly windsor castle.
Play Trail
I like the playtrail and the tyres because they are fun.
I am going to be in a show at the Memorial Theatre. Iam a show ponny.I am rilly happy because lots of people are coming to watch me.
Kimono girl
i cant wait until my show on friday i am going to be a chinese lady. i am going to wear a kimono it is very pretty and beautiful im wearing a lot of
magnifecent make up.
Dinosaur Bones
My fravfroot book is dinosaurs because i like seeing the bones.
Writing lots
I like extended writing because you get to write lots of it.
Special Visitors
I am really excited about a knight and an archer coming to school.
Wobbly Tooth
i have a wobbly tooth and i can’t wait for it to come out.
Fairies will be busy tonight
today i lost my tooth in the castle. the fairy will still come and i wil get money.
Wow days.
I like school trips because they are fun. I liked going to Bristol zoo.
Super Maths
I like maths because i love numbers. I love all maths.
Gardening Delights
i love how we plant lots of vegetables to be healthy it is really fun because we dont do it often and i really like the field.
Exciting Literacy
I like litearcy because we get to do writing it makes me excited.
Football Club
I like foot ball club because you learn new skills evry time.
Show and Tell
i like golden time because you get to play and you get play with your show and tell things that you have brought to school.
Extended Writing
Extended writing is lots of fun. doing your best is normally a hard challenge but its fun creative work.
i like science because it is fun and we planted some flowers.