I went ice skating and went to Zoe’s house because it was Will’s birthday on Christmas day. We played karioke with them and played vets. Just to say Christmas is a time to celebrate and spend time with your family and friends and enjoy it. I hope you did. Our penpals came round we met at a theme park. They live in Poole so it took 2 hours to get to my house. We played spies to get all the sweets in my room. We did nail painting to see which one was the best but P.S you know the sweets thing, it did not work out.
Category Archives: Badgers
Christmas is for family and friends coming to our house.
Reindeers having flying fun.
Juicy turkey on the plate.
Christmas pudding and after eights.
Sparkly baubles on the tree.
Lots of presents waiting for me.
Santa carrying a heavy bag.
Elves wrapping through the night.
Lots of books and toys for all.
Merry Christmas everyone you hear Santa roar.
Arsenal vs Hull City
FINALLY the day has come!
Today Daddy, me, Steve and Rudy are going to the Emirates to watch Arsenal hopefully beat Hull!!
I am looking forward to travelling on the tube. Me and Rudy can’t wait to see Sanchez, Walcott and Rosicky. I think the score will be 3-2 and they will be Arsenal’s scorers!
“My 100 word blog”
Christmas reminds me of tree’s being decorated and star’s being put on top.Santa going “ho oh ho ” and carol’s being sung . Children trying to get to sleep, and stockings being filled , some with coal if you have been naughty . Jesus Christ was born on the twenty fifth of December . Lots of people came to see him laid in the manger full of hay . Three wise men brought gift’s gold,frankincense and myrrh they followed the star of Bethlehem which was the brightest star in the sky. The Shepard left their flocks . Guided by the brightest star in the sky to see Jesus
100 Word Challenge
I love christmas time because I get lots of chocolate and nice food. I enjoy spending time with family and friends which some other people don’t.
On Christmas Day Finlay, Sulli and I sat on Mummy and Daddy’s bed and took it on turns to open our stocking presents. I got a globe, remote control helicopter, lego, a onesie and some other bits. We then went down stairs to see what was there. I had a great surprise, IT WAS MY MOUNTAIN BIKE!
After that, Mummy and Daddy gave us another surprise, it was a new set of wheels for our race bikes.
We had a great dinner but our new oven blew up!
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas
100 Word Challenge
On Christmas eve we were sat in my sister,s bedroom singing jingle bells looking out of the window when we seen Father Christmas he came right up to the front door and he kept waving to us, once he had gone we went downstairs and he left us all a present by the front door, he gave me a lego friends ice cream bike.
On December 25th I woke up at 2:00 in the morning and Father Christmas had taken my stocking so I went into mum and dads bedroom who said it was too early and that I had to go back to bed. At 7:00 my sister Jordan and my brother Liam came in, they were really excited so we asked mum and dad if we could go down stairs to see if Father Christmas had been. We all went downstairs and the living room was full of presents, we had lots of presents my main present was an electric scooter and lego friends castle, my brother also had an electric scooter. I like Christmas because you spend a lot of time with the family Christmas day I went to my auntie,s for dinner and played with my cousins Hari, Fin and Sulli and then they all came to us on boxing day, I had a really fab Christmas.
100 Word Challenge
It was the December 25th. Me Issy and Rudy woke up at 6ocloack. We ran into mum and dads room they said wait half and hour before we go down stairs. But we got to open our presents from our stockings. I got a harmonica, Arsenal socks, LOTS of chocolate and a minion case for a phone. Mum went down stairs to make cup of teas for herself and dad and our nan she slept round our house. It was half past six. ” Can we go down stairs now.” mum said ” yep we’ve finished our tea. We all ran down stairs like a herd of elephants.
“WOW” we all said we all had our own piles. I got Arsenal tickets and I’m now a junior gunner. I had a tin which had a poster, a watch, and an activatey book. I’m going to the Arsenal match next week.
I also got a book that had all the British football facts and pictures in it. It had a DVD in it. Issy got a lap top. I got an ipod touch with the minion case I got Fifa 15 on it, my brother got an ipod touch too he’s got a minion case too but they’re different so we don’t get them confused.
Both my nans came. We had beef and pork for lunch it was lush! After that we played lots of board games, we got Uno extreme! It’s really fun, it’s got different cards to the other one and a machine that shoots the cards out. It sometimes makes me jump!
We had a brilliant Christmas!
100 Word Challenge
Christmas means to me, spending time with your family, opening presents ,reindeers, santa, eating turkey, decorating your christmas tree and lots of yummy treats.
It also means relaxing, Chistmas films and wearing Christmas jumpers. We should also remember people who maybe don’t have such a good time at Christmas.
It also means advents calendars, counting down the sleeps until Christmas, santa’s elves, wreath’s, cold frosty weather and ringing bells. Also, Christmas puddings and leaving milk and a mince pie for santa.
I wish everybody at Berkley school a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Love Eloise
New Years eve
on New Years eve my friend charley came over to play. We had a picnic and played hide and seak. Her big sister polly came to. We stayed up till midnight. It was a great night.
christmas decorations
On saturday we bought a christmas tree. we brought it home and put it up.
then we decorated the house with tinsel and lights and things like that. we decorated mine and Freds rooms .after we done that
we went down stairs and got all snugged up and sat on the sofa and watched a movie
I hope you all have a lovely christmas + teachers
A Big THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
To my lovely friends thank you for my fabulous birthday present’s,I love them all!!!!!!!! XXXXX
Join In!!!!
Join in to let berkley bloggers know about your favourite times at school.
about first aid
today ONLY year four and year three
did first aid DR.ABC is the thing we did
D. danger check the area so you don’t get hurt
R. respond you have to say can you hear me can you open your eyes and hit the coller bone
A . airway you put your little finger in there mouth and tilt there chin
B. breathing hand on there chest ear angainst there mouth for 10 seconds if there chest is going up and down that means there breathing
C. cuts clean up cut with water use a dressing to heal up the cut
Mummy’s 40th birthday party
On Saturday I went to mummy’s 40th birthday party my cousin Hari and Finlay came out we asked for One Direction to be played so we could dance.
We then walked home at 1:00 in the morning my legs were aching from all the dancing so my daddy carried me for a little bit.
I did not wake up until 9:30 Sunday morning as I was very tired but I had amazing time.
bonfire night poem
plot a plan to kill king James the king of Engaland
giging a tunnel far away
rent a house to stay
barrels of gunpodered rolling all day
nerealy a year they dag this tunnel
fourlks getting the mach to lite it
when the gaurds see him
he was sent king James straight away
no awners the made
now we celebrate this day with poping fireworks
have bright day
firework poem
popping wising dissing wishing singing twinkling listening ringing thinking brighting
fireworks pop wiss dizz wish sing twink wink list ring ring think bight
pink orange blue red green yellow and purple too
the fireworks remind us about the gunpowder
My half term.
In my holiday I went to Birmingham BMX track for a coaching session. At the end of my session I did the biggest jump and failed. That was the end of my day as I really hurt my wrist. I came home and went to the hospital to check if it was broken. I had an x ray but luckily it was just badly sprained. We also went to longleat with Elliot to watch the fireworks which was great fun. At the end of my holiday I went to my auntie Emma’s party and stayed up really late. I had a great holiday.
My half term
In the holiday I went to boomerang it was fun I met a new friend he was a good friend but not a better friend then george HENrY ELLIOT HARRISON and jessica. After that i went on big Blue slide it was fast. I went to My Brothers work at the diving center as they had a fireworks display, I had a hot dog to eat and a toffee apple, it was really good. On Halloween I went treacle treating round to my family’s houses and I got money, crisps and lots of sweets
My bike ride
When I went on bike ride we cycled from wellow to bath. We cycled through two tunnels. One tunnel took 10 minutes to cycle. The other tunnel took 2 minutes to cycle.The tunnel that took 10 minutes played music.After we went to the pub.I had spaghetti bolognese and my drink was a J20!!
we went camping with fred my mum dad leo jen max and jack
when we got there we stayed in the campervan.
The next day we went for a really really long walk my dad kept saying lets go to baggy point
we went up a big mountain and my mum said we done 4 and a half miles
when we got back to the campsite my mum joked saying lets leave the biscuits for tomorrow’s
10 miles walk. after that we went swimming and there was a water slide and i went on the waterslide it was scary
we stayed campind for 3 nights and 2 days the 1st night we went to a bar for dinner and after we had dinner we went in the
arcade it was fun you collect tikets and the more tikets you get the bigger prizes
hi everyone I am having a lovely time here in Orlando . My favourite ride so far is the speed way . My favourite 3d film is the Muppets at Hollywood studio’s and I saw a stunt car show and my favourite part was when this person was on a motorbike and skidded through flames.
I am going to New York tomorrow .
George WH
Halloween poem !!
Staying up on Halloween
Eating all of the sweets
Scaring are mums and daddy’s
Halloween costumes are amazing
Halloween is the best day of the year
yesterday we went Weston Super-Mare for lunch . we had fish and ships. I got a new diary. we bought some chistmas presents . sand keeped going in our faces. (it was not very nice) and I have been looking at each other’s blogs and commenting. I can’t wait infill hallween .
wow day
wow day was the best becuase it was like we were actuly going around the world in 80 days
I thank all the teachers for setting this brillant wow day
i think the next one will be as great. me and fred loved it and thanks to france freddie now loves brie
H happy times eating sweets
A apples are not for hallowen
L lovely chocolate
L late nights for everyone
O orange pumkins at the front of your house
W wearing scary costumes
E eating all day long
N never miss hallowen
the school disco
The school disco the best day ever. Here are some things that they had. Glow sticks in different colours and tattoos or glittery tattoos and yummy food.
Watch out at midnight.
scary spiders crawlling up your body
look in your cuboards and draws some ghost will be waiting for you
your family could be witches and wizards
join in
I hope you join in making your halloween poems.
It can be a rhyme
or a mix
a acrosick
or normal .
halloween poem
children wanting chocolate from you
try to meet delvil’s in the night
stuff your face chocolate all around
mums and dads say not to many you will get sick
dress scary dress the best
haloween comes again
I don’t ever want haloween its scary
boys love it uhhhhgggg
apple store trip
The apple store trip was funny because on the way home everyone starting singing we played on garageband we had partners I was with Billy the apple store trip was brilliant and we might be able to go back in march but it felt like a short day a very short , short day but everthing was like lovely games today we got mini apple cupcakes
staying at home :)
were not going anywhere but were making mini cupcakes For cake day.
it will be only ME MUM & EMILY
but Chloe’s at .D.A.V. dad is doing stuff mummy is doing ironing
Me Fred mum and dad we went to longleat it was fun i went on a deathslide in the adventure castle . then we went in the gigantic ball pit after that me and dad done the deadly challenge. i had to do two big challenges. I climed a wall and went through lazers.After that we went and watched the bird show. at the end of the bird show they raised money to help the vultures in the world .we brought a band to help them the birds flew over our heads really fast. they went over my head too.
Season is nearly over!
- SW champs
Well the season is coming to an end now with just one race left in Manchester at the weekend.
Mummy,Daddy and I would like to say a massive thank you to Mrs B. And all the teachers for supporting me with time off and to all my friends for your good luck messages.
So I arrived back from the world championships a little disappointed after I became Ill in holland and had to race with a headache, feeling sick and having a temperature, but had a great time and managed to get through to the 1/4 finals.
Since I have got back I have raced at the South West championships and finished 2nd. Well, Looking forward to manchester at the weekend and then to next season after a winter of lots of hard work.
Missing My Friends
I really miss my friends lily zoe hattie yasmin and amelia because she has left are school. I cant wait to see my school and my friends
At camping it was raining every day very hard .
we went to bude
I went with my mum’s friend and dad’s friend and ruby
the tent did not fit on the caravan so a man cam and helped
and we finally done it I went surfing it was fun we went to the beach
At camping
Me and my family went to Exmoor camping. I was allowed to ride my bike on my own to the shop. We went horseriding. Our horses were called Micky and perry.
my great year in (year 2)
I liked it in year 2 we had fun these are some topics we did with miss pickford
scaredy squirrel
black and white
there is some more but its loads . I made year 1 friends but now they are taking our place so were getting old but we love lerning , playing fun days and gym . they are great days in life and you are part of it so follow our future and live well with your friends
In the caravan

Beth and tyler in the caravan
Camping with my friends
Last weekend me, my friends and my family went camping . It was in Dorset and we camped on Norden farm.While the parents put up the tents all the children played on there bikes and scooters also splashed in muddy puddles which i called the welly wash.That night for dinner we had Mrs Hirons lovely, homemade pulled pork. All the children got changed into their nightwear also every child had a head torch so we played with the head torches on so we could see. I had a tiring day today but it was a lovely day as well!
On Saturday we woke up and ate a lovely breakfast which included: eggs, sausages, beans, bacon and toast.Once everyone was dressed all the children cycled and scootered down to the little farm shop to buy some sweets.After that we had a lovely walk to Corfe Castle. Later that day we went to a beach and got an ice-cream I had dairy milk chocolate flavour. We went to the arcade and I won 3 lollies and a dragon ornament. I had a pasty for lunch. Mum and Ruth made us spaghetti bolognese for teatime.
When I woke up Sunday morning I had biscuits in bed. We tried to catch the bus but it was so full it didn’t stop. So we went on the train and played on Swanage beach in the sunshine. My dad and I made a dolphin with sand. We went on the train back to Corfe Castle and I had cod and chips for my tea. We could see the castle from the pub garden.
I had a fabulous weekend in my wellies with all my friends and mums and dads…
Miss. Pennington in the Big Apple!
I hope you are all having a wonderful Easter. I have been enjoying a good break and had a lovely trip to New York.
Here is a picture of the skyline, myself in the M and Ms store and Central Park!!
PS Badgers I’ve got a picture of myself reading in a random place! Hope you’ve got yours sorted!
Bronze Certificates
In Badgers class since September the children have been earning merit marks for going above and beyond, this can be for work or play.
These children so far have achieved their 10 merits and received their Bronze certificates in the last term which is fantastic and are now on to the Silver Merit challenge which is 20 merits. I hope to see the whole of badgers class with 10 merits by the end of next term!
Well done!
Miss P
We’re glad you are having an amazing time Hattie!
Hello Hattie,
Glad you are having a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing pictures and answering all our questions.
Zoe – I loved the pictures of the Koala bears you have taken.
Sam – You have a lovely tan and very blonde hair!
Charlie – Did you get to hold one of the Koala bears?
Nate – I really loved all the pictures.
Amelia – Have you tried any more strange foods?
Lily – The Kangaroo scared us all a little as it looked like he was sitting on a snake! Have you seen a snake yet?
Kenny – How many new animals have you seen?
Leon – Have you tried any different fish?
Yasmin – Did the Koala run fast across the field?
We all wish we were there the weather looks fabulous!
Miss you very much
Love Badgers
My 500 word challenge
This is my story that I entered for the bbc 500 word challenge…
The Ghost of The Deserted Pier
Once there was four children and a dog, the dogs name was Floppy and the children’s names were Jack the oldest one, Leo the youngest one, Mary and Lucy.
It was a Saturday and the four children had been wanting to go to the beach but Dad had said “first do your chores” so they did.
After a while Dad took them to the beach by car. It took two hours. Dad said “you better have fun and make the most of it”. When they got there this is what they did: made sandcastles, went in the sea and had a walk. Jack asked Dad if they could go to the pier Dad said “no” Lucy said “pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease” this time Dad said “yes but who’s going to pick you up from here?” Jack said “by taxi” “ok but be back for tea!” shouted Dad from out of the car window “ok” they shouted back while running to the pier.
When they got to the pier they where shocked, it was dark, it had signs hanging off buildings and it looked like know one was there at all. So they went inside and all could see was dark, broken, old two pence machine and other things you can do.
They all split up and looked for something to do Leo said he had an idea “lets play hide and seek” Jack said “ok Ill count”so he started counting “One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten coming ready or not here I come” said Jack.
Jack went to find them,he found Mary behind a cupboard door and Lucy under a table but he couldn’t find Leo anywhere. LEO WE GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but Leo didn’t come out of his hiding place “maybe a ghost took him” Lucy said as a joke.
Suddenly they here a loud BANG BANG BANG!!!!!!!!! “what was that” whispered Mary. They walked to one of the walls, the banging got louder and louder when they got to where the banging was it had stopped “that was odd” said Jack.But when they looked around they saw a box of matches they hadn’t been opened yet they kept walking and saw three barrels of gunpowder “someone has bean trying to blow us up”.
They ran round the corner and saw a ghost trying to light a barrel of gunpowder, but he could not find his matches “looking for this” said Jack holding the matches up in his hands “give me that or he gets it” said the ghost “who gets it” said Lucy then the ghost took a blanket off Leo. Jack said to the ghost I will give you the matches if you do a headstand so while the ghost was struggling to do a headstand Mary ran and grabbed Leo. RUN ITS GOING TO BLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! they ran to there taxi GO GO GO!!!!!! so the driver went fast. When they got home they said “Dad were sooooooooo hungry”.
When I went to Cornwall I did lots of fun things like: Crabbing, walking/beach, playing and I fed ducks, cormorants, swans and seagulls. I went on a ferry to Falmouth which we could see from our backyard. We had a day out to St Ives and we did a pirate walk around the harbour, it was really fun. While on the walk we saw Dolphins playing in the sea and a seal near the rocks. I had some delicious foods there. I had a lovely time in Cornwall. When I got home I got a postcard from Hattie which gave me a big smile!!!