Our Lesson with Iain Green

I liked the photographs of wild animals.


I liked taking pictures with the camera.


We went on the field to take pictures.


He showed us how to use the camera.


I took a picture of a flower.


Iain showed us pictures in assembly.Then he came to our classroom.


I liked the pictures of the animals


I took pictures of cows.


I liked taking pictures of the ivy.


Forest School


At forest school I had hot chocolate and a marsh mellow with two biscuits. I had lots of hot chocolate around my mouth. I had a lot of fun. I’m excited about going next week.

Photo Evening

I was really pleased to see so many people arrive to see our pictures, including my Mum Dad and Yasmin. I sold my pictures to Mrs Rayner, Grandma and Grandad and Mum and Dad. We raised lots of money for the school. I have loved camera club and would like to take pictures as my job in the future.

All creatures great and small – 4

Painting the elephant

All creatures great and small – 3

Making the ladybird

Flash The Dog

I got a new dog and his name is Flash.  We got him 2 days after Boxing Day, he is a Fox Red Labrador.  He has got used to us now, he is really cute and he is funny, he has browny gold fur.  He sleeps alot and plays alot. 

We took him to the vets today to have his injections because he cannot  go outside for walks until he has had them.

I love him lots!

wow day

We   had    a     wow  day. There   were   paw    prints   in   the   sand   pit.  Also  there   was    a     green   tent, with some candles  and  a   cooking    pot  inside   hanging  from some   sticks. Also there were some  hay bales and  a   big   nest with a massive egg inside it. The nest had a little egg shell aswell and an apple. There were also tyres, and metal spoke hanging from a tree.  Also  there  was  a  slide  with   a  blue  sheet  over  it.  When   you   went   down   the    slide  your  feet  fell  in  to  mud. Also   there   was  a   castle   which   had   a  rocking  chair in it and a big spider web and a wand. Also a  bit of  the play trail had some balloons on it.  Also   there  were  some  christmas   trees   wich  was  a   forest.


We have just had the  most wonderful WOW Day!!! I think the adults had as much fun as the children!!

This term our creative curriculum topic goes under the umbrella name of  ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. It is going to be primarily a geography based topic made up of a series of  smaller units. All areas of work will be driven by our wish to spend lots of time outside using our environment in as many inventive ways as we can.

So…. we started by building a sort of assault course on the school field. I am sure you will find lots of photos in the gallery. There were huge hay bales draped with cargo nets  making tunnels to crawl through,an enormous tent, ropes strung between trees to swing and climb along, ladders to climb and trampettes to bounce on, there was a marshy area to navigate using stepping stones, a set of tubular tunnels draped with more cargo nets to crawl through, an ‘ ice palace’, a mini forest, a sand pit, and water filled balloons to navigate whilst walking along a rope bridge and more!

We were very pleased with our results. BUT when we came to school this morning we discovered that we had been visited over night by a mysterious creature. ‘Something’ had been using our assault course.

We gave the children a ‘forensic kit’ so that they could search the field for clues. And they found lots!! There was fur of many different colours, there were feathers and something that looked like blood [ but was it?], we found giant footprints in the sandpit and tiny ones all over the place. Something had been trapping giant bugs and putting them in a cauldron and a fire had been lit in the tent – we know because there was cold ash in the fireplace. At the back of the field was what looked like a giant nest! It was filled with leaves and there were some broken egg shells – some of these were hen’s eggs but some were giant eggs.

It was exciting and a real mystery. We returned to school to think about what we had seen and using all our ideas we each drew an ‘identikit’ picture of what we thought the mysterious creature might have looked like. Now we are going to paint them.

What a thrilling time we had – we were lucky with the weather which was perfect and we would especially like to thanks everybody to helped in whatever way. The children will be able to use the assault course for the rest of the week before we dismantle it on Friday. Look out for more pictures and information about all our follow up work!!!

Mrs White

The funest day at school

The day we had today today was fabulous. We were looking and searching on the field for clues about a creature or monster that visited the field. I found some blood and some paw prints. I drew a picture of a colourful bunny dragon. I think that’s what visited the field and I used my imagination. I hope everyone enjoyed the day the same as me.

All creatures great and small project – 1

We are designing a wooden elefant and ladybird.

Elefants have six toes.


We are in Switzerland on holiday.

There is lots of snow.

Grandad  got poorly  and had to go to intensiv care in an ambalans.

And we went to see him. He is feeling betar.

We went sledging.

The party

On Tuesday we had a party and a delicious Christmas lunch and a magician came in and shown us some of his tricks . Then the whole school sang jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way! to try to get santa to come and get him in the classroom and evryone was excited! And luckily he came!

Longleat trip

I went on a Christmas train that took me to see Father Christmas who gave me a present.  I went in Longleat house and I saw Scrooge, Sleeping Beauty, two fairies and Cinderella who was dancing with Prince Charming.  I had my picture taken with them and I told Cinderella ‘I like your beautiful dress’.  It was blue and pink.  Outside was an enormous magical singing Christmas tree.  My favourite thing of the day was writing a wish that I hung on the wishing tree.

My day at Bristol

To day we had a girlie day out ,we went to bristal cinema and watched Ather Christmas,it was funiest film I had ever seen.After that we went to pizza hut,I had chesey macroni and zoe had a cheese and tomato pizza.



The oliver twist show

Today we are going to see oliver twist  at our school.I am so excited about it.We are moving out into the library.

Everyone was sqaushed until we were heading down from the library to see oliver twist with two ladies acting.When we got  down.

It was a wonderful show !!!

Maddie with help from Kendra and Evie


Glastonbury Carnival

I luvd the carnival it was grait.


i went to wells carnival there was little children dressed up as a heltershelter and there was lots of fantastic floats and lots of dancing and there was bright lights and we parked next to mrs langton and her mummy who was looking after her and I saw my god parents there and it was funny.


Disny on ice

We went  to a place called disny on ice with granny and grandad. We sar tinkabell and  toystory and cars and mikee mouse.

Family day with friends

We went to London  and we went to an art place with ned, lora and leo. We had piza.

My first half-term at Berkley

I love rabbits class, I love George and Elliott. I like going on the blue bike and the red bike. I like snack time. I love having my lunchbox. I liked dressing up and singing. I can’t wait til christmas.





Horse Racing

We went to  watch the horse racing because it was Grandads birthday.

Sunny Spain

On the 8th of  August at 3 o’clock in the morning  we got our Uncle Steve to drive us to the airport it was a two  hour wait then we  got on the aeroplane.We had to wait two hours then  we arrived in spain. We got our hired car then we went to our house and had a look around .Then we went shopping for food.When we got home we jumped in the swimming pool it was so much fun.Mostly we did the same all the other days but the best thing was at the sea side. I loved it. I also loved  going  out to dinner by the sea and thats my holiday!

Ned and Looras Mums house

I liked ar big bed.


I like the haybales.

Hotel in Bonmooth

We went to the hotel on the vinkoolar trane.

Seaside with Grandma

I  liked palding in the sea

Fantastic France

I like swimming .I have been to the pool every day. It is very hot and sunny.


On My Holidays

I like going in the swimming pool. I went on a roundabout.

Frank the peacock

Frank has tail feathers that grow every spring and then fall out every summer. I like Frank the peacock.

kennys quil

I made a  quil  and  shode  it at  scool.

I  got  the  fethr  from  mi    granee   and    grandads   peekok   kalld  frank

I liked

I liked the birds especially when the  bird caught the rabbit on the car.

medieval day

It all started when a archey man came in and talked about archery and showed us it then some people had a go.After lunch we went up to the libary and an a man that makes amour and yous to be a knight.Some people tried it on. The weapons were amazing. After that a bird man came in a falcon,2 owls and some more. I hold did one it was’t heavy and we led on the ground and the owl flew over are heads.

Making Shields

today i made a shield with our own coat of arms on it with Ben.