My fun day today

Today I went to my brother’s friends house and we played with them . Then we went to the park together! I bumped into Caitlin and we played on her bike, then we went back to our friends for lunch . After we went to the shop . When we got back I played with my friends called Alannah and Georgia we played Narnia and did a play.


When you go to longleat you have to have a card on it you have to get your picture taken and then that will be put on the card.So every time you would like to visit longleat you can proudly show your card. But if you didn’t have a card you would have to pay .

If you wanted to go on something and your mum and dad said you’re allowed to, then you would  show your card.

When we went we went on an easter egg hunt you had to try & find an egg with a letter on &  you had a sheet with eggs on and you put the letter on the eggs & it gradually made a word. It was daffodils .When we finished the hunt we went & got a  cream  egg I didnt like it that much.

It was an alice & wonderland day we went and had to find our way out and when we where looking we saw the Queen of hearts and guess what she said we were aloud to cheet so we cheeted by steping over the little bushes.Then when we got out of there  we were looking fo the white rabbit but we couldnt find him any where Henry &Rudy really wanted to go on the train so we went on it.When we were in the middle bit we saw the white rabbit he gave everyone an book with stickers in and question in it.

Then after that we went home.

Easter hunts

Today is Easter and this morning mummy and daddy set me and sophie a easter egg hunt.After we went to longleat for another easter egg hunt we took two hours finding the eggs it was so much fun!!The word was daffodil I found it out before we had scrambled them up.Eventually we went to watch the bird show the birds were magnificent.


On Friday Mrs B is in our class room .  Mrs.B is my favourite teacher in our school.When Mrs.B lets us have Golden Time we can choose  what we want to do. I like Golden Time.

about iceskating

When we went iceskating first a lady called   Pam tort us to do things.When we were iceskating we had to sit on the ice and Pam would teach us to  get back up again.I fell over 100 times my friend Raya she fell   over1000 times and …..

I had a good day

Icy ice skating

Yesterday I went to Issys birthday part at bristol ice rink.At first when we were putting our ice skates I couldnt even stand up.Then we all had our lesson and then moved into the big ice rink.For lunch I had pizza and chips as theyran out of what I wanted.After we had a disco skating on ice.I could now ice skate without holding onto the side I kept on falling over in the same place so I had a wonderful time!!!

Exciting ice skating

I went ice skating with Issy F, it was for Issy’s birthday ,lots of people were there for Issy’s party. It was really good fun. I fell over once when the disco was on. The disco was on the ice. We all had a really good time. xx


On friday it was my birthday.My favourite thing was the piano that my nanny v got me. It was her birthday aswell. I also got a really good camera from my mum and dad which I took lots of photos on.Then on saturday 10 people are coming iceskating with me.There will be party food there and i’m having pizza with a fizzy drink in the vip party area.After our skate lesson there will be a disco.I hope I dont fall on my bottom.


When it was my birthday I got some kangeroos. They are saylvainers. Every day now when I get  up I always play with my kangeroos or with my piano.I got some others saylvaneiers that are the rabbit. The mummy& daddy are getting married .At the mommet they are dancing.I got a shoe shop there are shoes in the cupboard.

I love playing with my kangeroos & piano

when i hurt myself!

On the Friday that we broke up on after school i went on my scooter and i played with a couple of my friends. Then I went around one of the corners and I fell off my scooter and I really hurt myself badly. Oh no! I hurt myself all down the right hand side

kayleighs house

On Saturday I went to Kayleigh’s house we had a water fight.When we  were having the water fight we kept on getting her  wet with the water shooters.After that we rode on her bikes we had to try & get Lauren, Kayleigh’s middle size sister.Next  doors  car wasn’ there so we rode up and down the drive.When I was coming down I thought  I was going to bump into Lauren & so I fell off the bike.I was all right. We went back on the bikes again and sicled around.Kayleigh has a den out the front . Every time I go to Kayleighs house we all ways go into the den and we sit on the wood.After that we went out the front and played on the swings and talking about things at school and at home.When we had finished talking we held the ginnipigs. I held MR TOFFEE and KAYLEIGH held Garry. I made mrs toffee dance and Kayleigh made Garry dance it was funny.After that we made these animals you put tissue papper and other stuff I made a chicken it had a yellow beak.When we finished we went in the bath Kayleigh pretended there was a shark & IT MADE ME SCREAM !!!

BBC points west

On  Monday some tv camera people came to our school.They filmed Abbie Robert and Oliver and for a bit Issy.We were on tv talking about the limit.I saw us on tv.It was the first time that I have seen any one I know on tv or even myself.I hope they change the speed limit.Then today a counciler came round to my house asking if there was any problems so mummy said about the speed limit and he said he would try to do something about it so it might get fixed this silly problem because I get worried crossing the road so I hope they will do something about it!!!

Football Crazy

The weather was perfect for the supporting crowd this afternoon, although perhaps a little warm for the players who looked a bit pink by the end of their final match. It was great to see them working so well as a team and to see a good mix of boys and girls again. All three school teams played in a very sportsmanlike way and it was a pleasure to be part of such a lovely afternoon.  Go to Mr James’ blog for a detailed match report!

Mrs White

Fashion on the catwalk

On Saturday I went to The mall in Cribbs causeway with my mum and my nana. We went to see the fashion show for Bristol fashion week. Nana bought me a hot chocolate because I was cold. We got a goody bag after the show. Inside was a bottle of coconut water, a tube of toothpaste, some sweets, shampoo and conditioner. When we were in the fashion show, Mark Heyes and Andrew Barton were talking about the show. I had a really good day. Xxx

country dancing

Yesterday I did country dancing. It was brilliant. I learned how to do 3 dances.My favrioute dance was the one dance we did first.I liked going in and out of the circle.After the dances we did  a clapping game.I worked with Polly.She was great to work with so I had the most best time ever!!

My st ives trip

On Friday I went to st ives.It took 3 hours to get there but it was worth it.I stayed in a wonderful hotel and me and Sophie slept in bunk beds.Then on saturday we went to padstow.It was lovely I had a Rick stein sausage roll and ate it on top of the hills.Then I went to the beach and played with Sophie.Then we went to the greens cafe and had millianere shortbreads and a rasberry and blueberry smoothie and then bought a teddy called fudge.After I had tea in a resraunt with my grandad but for the rest of the day it was a girly day.Then I went to port issac on the way home Mummy bought something for Nanny and then we looked in shops and finally on Sunday we went home!

Brokerswood Trip

On Monday we went on a school trip to brokerswood.First we got on the coach.Everyone was excited.When we got there a lady showed us a compass and a map.Then she played true or false. She said that a compass works best on your head true or false it was false.She showed us the right way up to hold are map.Next we went minibeast hunting.I found four milpeads and a squiggly thing which  was a centipede.After that we drew a map with a lady.First we drew the middle path then the stream and if you wanted to be clever you could draw it squiggly .there was two secret paths then we drew the bridge and tested it with a friend.Then it was lunch. I was the only person standing up but it did not put me off  my lunch. I was happy because I had crisps.After lunch we went looking for animals with names.On the last clue Aimee fell over and rolled in the mud.When we got on the coach Aimees wellies could’nt come off.


On Tuesday we were lucky enough to travel to the Merlin Theatre to watch the dress rehearsal of Selwood Academy’s production of Oliver! It was great for us because as you know we studied the Victorians in the Autumn term and had learned  some of the songs from the musical.

We loved it and it was great to see lots of past Berkley school pupils in the cast!! It was so great to see such a lot of talent and it was evident that a huge amount of hard work had gone into the production.

When the cast sang ‘ Consider Yourself’ in the finale I’m afraid that Berkley School broke out into song along with them!!! and we carried on singing in the foyer afterwards whilst waiting for the parents!!!

It was so good that I’m going again on Friday!!! I promise not to sing that time though!!!

Mrs White

mum and dad


I love mummy and daddy so much.They read me a lovely story. Daddy takes me out.They buy films for me. Mummy bought me starwars games for my DS.

Our Trip

We went to brokerswood.There where activities. We drew  maps.My faverit thing was finding l0ts0 f animals .I found a snail, an earwig and  2 bugs. When I found the earwig mrs Saltonstall got fritend.Their was lots of muddy puddles and i fell in the mud.

I had a geat day out at Brokers wood

Fun fair

Me & Henry went to the fun  fair with our nanny & her boy friend dave.Henry  went on the dogers 2 times .When Henry went on the dogerrs I diddn’T WANT to even look .I hooked  duck 2 times AND I  WON I chose a green rabbit & a purple  bouncy grape ball.I saw Bethany  Max & Ben & Chloe & tily.When we where on the teacups  we kept on getting swung around.

I had a very good day at the funfair so did Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Me, Daddy & Henry went for a muddy walk.We had a picnic .When we got round the walk there  was a river & we went in  there & the water filled my whole wellie!!!!!! Henry had a hole in his wellie.When  I was throwing stones it went right in front of him, he said ” it was like a fish”.

I had a great day out with Daddy & Henry!!! Then mummy made a roast.Which was very nice.!

Fantastic Football

Mrs Langton and I were so proud of the football team on Thursday evening. The team played Bishop Henderson school at Coleford and, if you have read Mr James’ blog you will see that , they won convincingly 6 -1. How fantastic!!!

Winning is always great but the thing that made Mrs Langton and me so pleased was the way in which the team played. They were terrific sports – they supported one another well and were really encouraging. They shared the ball around and you can see this was a good strategy from the goal scoring results. I watched them talking and passing and running and really thinking about what they were doing. It was brilliant to see and I stood them all up in Good Work Assembly on Friday and we gave them a clap. Mrs B was on a course but I’m sure she won’t mind that I’ve promised them all one of her special ‘Head Teacher Award’ stickers!!

I can’t wait until the next match!!! A special thank you to Mr James too.

Mrs White


Some new neighbours moved in & we gave them a card.I crossed the road I looked, I listened, I saw, then when there was nothing coming I crossed the road. When I posted it it got stuck in the wellies.It made me & my mummy laugh.They have 2 boys one is a baby & one is a todler.They have 3 cars a campthervan & 2 other green cars.

Wells cathedral visit

Yesterdays trip was amazing at Wells We had a service at the start. Our first activity was a pilgrim box.  Then we went on a pilgrim tour.  The lady that showed us around told us a story about the stained glass windows.  There was a different religion that came to this country and disagreed with the stained glass windows.  Thy tried to destroy them.  Wells cathedral hid theirs and replaced them when it was safe.  They had to piece it back together as a jigsaw.  At the end me and Sam carried a banner to represent our school. It was a dove.  Our prayer was chosen to be read and Izzy read it. Robert and Kieran collected a candle to take back to our class.    Thank you to my teachers for taking me.

Mr Green

On Monday we had Mr Iain Green who taught us about nature and after break we went up on the field and took photographs.

Sam’s Sleepover

On saturday the 3rd my brother Sam had a bonfire  and a sleepover with his friends kit and loke.We roasted sweet potatoes, jack potatoes and sweetcorn.I had a sweet potato, a jack potato and a sweetcorn cob.At last we got the cake out and song to Sam and had a slice of  cake. Suddenly Sam and his friends ran off and played hide and seek but I stayed by the bonfire and roasted mashmellos on a stick.The first one I had was to sticky it stuck in my hair and coat so I went inside and watched tv then we all went to bed but Sam  went to bed at 9o clock.

Wells Cathedral

Today the Year 4 children were pilgrims on a journey to Wells Cathedral. We travelled on the coach with Beckington school which was nice and we were lovely and early so we got the front seats on either side of the cathedral.

There was a welcoming service and then we split off into groups. First of all we had a tour of the cathedral and saw some of the interesting sites. The children dressed up in cloaks and carried staffs around just as the early pilgrims did – although they were able to keep their shoes on – early pilgrims often walked hundreds of miles without their shoes!!!

Then we made pilgrim boxes before setting off to our next workshops. One group ,with Mrs White and Mrs Jeffery, went to a craft session where we made shell bookmarks and the other group, with Mrs Wheeler, went to a drumming workshop. We all had great fun.

Then it was time for lunch followed by a Mime Workshop which was hilariously funny and also communicated thoughtful ideas.

Finally we returned to the cathedral for the closing Act of Worship. Abi and Sam carried the banner, Kieran and Rob and Mrs Jeffery collected the lighted candle and Izzy read our pilgrim prayer from the pulpit.

It was a smashing day and all the children were really great ambassadors for Berkley School.

Mrs White

Iain Green

  I  like the man that took  photos of the animals. When we went to the field and took pictures I fownd an owl in the tree I took a photograph.

Our special visitor

In squirrel class we had a man called mr Iain Green come and visit us .We had a camera. We needed to take a photograph of  wild life .We needed to take one clever photo. We all  had a  group and took turns.

Iain Green

I  liked  the  man  that  took  the  photos  with  me . I  took a picture of a tree. I likd  yasmins party.


We have been  learning  about squirrels. I now know that they have  big flufy tail.There are red and grey squirrels.

Saturday Treat

I went air riffle shooting on saturday. It was great. you had targits and you could bring them in and out.The guns were big.

Our Lesson with Iain Green

I liked the photographs of wild animals.


I liked taking pictures with the camera.


We went on the field to take pictures.


He showed us how to use the camera.


I took a picture of a flower.


Iain showed us pictures in assembly.Then he came to our classroom.


I liked the pictures of the animals


I took pictures of cows.


I liked taking pictures of the ivy.


Birthday Treat

On Saturday I went to Horseworld with Abi and my best friend Zoe. One of the horses sneezed on me and Zoe. I fell in love with Mr Biggles the pony and I wished I could bring him home he was so cute. The lady let me feed him a treat. We had lunch and I got a free toy horse inside my box and Daddy bought me another pony from the gift shop and I called it sugar because it looks like sugar on it’s back. One day we are going to make cakes to sell and raise money for horseworld. I can’t wait to be 6 tomorrow.

going out

Yesterday I went out with my mum & my dad  & henry & rudy & we went to bath park.There was some slides & I went down on my tummy.And I played in the sand for a long time I made a big hole.The boys where playing on a climbing frame . And now today were having a chill out day & im having a nice bath.

Forest School


At forest school I had hot chocolate and a marsh mellow with two biscuits. I had lots of hot chocolate around my mouth. I had a lot of fun. I’m excited about going next week.

good at school

I would like to be very good at school. one day i will get the golden pencil if i am very good and can sit still very well. mummy will get me a star wars game if i am quiet and still and try my very best. one day we could go to disney


We are very lucky tonight because we get to listen to songs before bed time .My faveret song is Sunflower by Paul Weller.I like it  because daddy sings it with his band!!!

play time

On  Monday  affternoon I played a really good game .I was the mum & Sophie & Kayleigh was the big sister & so were  jessica & rebbeca .kayleigh had a boy friend & Isabelle was a boy & she had an gutitar & she kept waking the baby up & Me & Sophie were moving & we didnt know & everybody came in  the train & then we went on holiday to spain

The End?????

my half Term holiday

On sunday I went to pantmime to watch the ugly duckling with  my granny and grampy and then I slept over it was great and I liked it very much.

Photo Evening

I was really pleased to see so many people arrive to see our pictures, including my Mum Dad and Yasmin. I sold my pictures to Mrs Rayner, Grandma and Grandad and Mum and Dad. We raised lots of money for the school. I have loved camera club and would like to take pictures as my job in the future.

Green day

It was green day on Wednesday 22nd of  february.In my class we made posters and water cycles .When I was doing my water cycle the rest of my table were colouring and I was  still drawing my water cycle.

hair cut

On Friday night  my god mother is a hair dresser &  she cut my hair. A cut  & A fring  & I  feael  diffrent. I look like  when I was smaller. Henry had A hair cut as well? I like my fringe.