On Friday when there was no school I went sledging with my brother and cousins and my Daddy because he had the day off work as well. We also saw a snow Elvis that someone had made.
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Frosty the snowman
We made a snowman.
Winter Wonderland
When it snowed we went out at 8am to build a snowman. We also built a snow cat, a snow rabbit, a snow handbag and a fort for the snowman. We had great fun except for when I got hit by a snowball and I did not approve! We also made a chocolate house. Here are some photos.
Winter Wonderland Walk
On friday when school was closed me, mummy, daddy, Abi ,mrs wheeler, mrs harding and mrs hirons and the dogs had a winter wonderland walk. Me and Abi played on our sleighs down the hill. Daddy pushed us down the hill and we kept falling off them.
snowing day
Fun in the snow !
I love London
At the weekend we went to London and our train was late getting to the station. We had to rush into Hyde park because at 11am we had to go into a magical ice kingdom. First we had to walk through a funfair. Ellis bought an angry birds hat. The magical ice kingdom was really good. When we came out we went to Nando’s for lunch and I had chicken, chips and corn on the cob.
We then went to find an open top bus, we were very cold. Ellis fell asleep on the bus. We went past Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, and lots of other places. We went to our hotel and got nice and cosy and then we also went to Caluccio’s, we had to go on the tube to get there. Then we went back to our hotel and fell asleep.
On Sunday we went to meet daddy’s friend whose name is Gareth. We had brunch. I had a chocolate eclair and chocolate milkshake. We then walked back to the tube and we got the train home. These are some pictures.
We went to London at the weekend.
The flood!
We went to my granny’s house, it was very wet. It was like a giant puddle, our friend Kim came round and splashed in some of the puddles.Some of the water went over our wellies.Mummy got her car stuck in the mud and Kim’s mum and dad had to help push us out.
At my granny’s house
My granny’s house was flooded today. My favourite bit was when we went to a friend’s house and when we got to the gate I stepped in a hole and the water went over the top of my wellies.It was freezing!
Christmas play
It is the Christmas play. Elliot is King Herod in the CHristmas play. I am reading in the Christmas play. I feel really good for myself.
Orient Express
We went to see a train it was a old train. My Grandad and Paula went on the train from bath to London. It looked very posh inside because we got to see inside. It is a very nice and lovely inside. There was a set of posh knives and forks.
My Baby brother
My baby brother is very cuddly. He loves to be carried . He drinks lots of milk.
working memories presentation
When I first arrived at the cheese and grains car park I saw Maddie in her car . so I got out the car and walked over to the cheese and grain with her.When we got inside we got took to a table with two people that we did not know but one person’s name was called Margaret, I did not know who the other persons name was.After we chatted for a bit Mel brought a big victoria sponge cake over and some small cookies and some small cupcakes over too. We had a feast. then we watched a film of how the book was made and two ladies went on stage and did a speech.Brinny came to our table and said we had to go up with the other girls and boys so we went up and we got sent to an adult with a tray and on the tray was the books that all the schools made. We all went round the tables with our adults to hand out the books to the writers. We had a lovely time.Then when we got sent back to our tables Margaret asked us if we would like to go for tea at her cafe in Lacock that she runs.
Norfolk holiday – seals
At half-term I went to see Blakeney on a life-boat and saw I two types of seal, one was the Common Seal and one was the Grey and a bird called the Sandwich Tern.
forest schools
I really liked going on the swing and I enjoyed the climbing frame even though my welly got stuck and I had a little bit of trouble getting it out. The lady had a roses tin, I thought we were having chocolates but it was full of biscuits to squish with our marshmallows. But first we had to toast them. I took home a big long stick. I hope Murphy doesn’t chew it. Cant wait week for next week .
My first medal
I went BMX racing in Exeter for my first regional race, I finished 5th and got my first medal. On bank holiday Monday I went to a barbecue at Bath BMX track, it was lots of fun.
jubilee party.
I had a jubilee party. All my friends came. We played lots of games.my favourite game was the egg and spoon race.
My fabulous Jubilee Party!
We had a Jubilee party in our car park, all our frends came, it was lot’s of fun.We had teams for the mini Olympics, I was in the orange teams, OUR TEAM WON!
I went to a farm and rod a hors colled trigger. and i saw my little sister rid a hors called george. I had fun.
Tuesday At School
On tuesday we went to see the olympic torch .My favert bit was seeing the torch. it had gold rings around.The fire wont go out until it gets back to greece.There was2 cocacola lorrys and some people ran past and we got to high five them.Next these two men went past on these stillts. they were on the stillts so that we could hear them and one of the men had to run down to the end and we had a practise so we had to cheer really loudly.I liked the bit when the men on stilts jumped I thought that there legs would be really achy when they had been to loads of places.We went to the st johns church to see if it was like are are church or not.It wasnt like are church because it had a play area and there was an old piano with lots of pullers.There was a play bit where jesus was on the cross and joseph and mary was there. there was the cave where the the stone had been rolled away.
On Tuesday
on tuesday I saw the olympic torch.
and it was really fun and when we where watching I was sat next to Aimee and Issy and it was very fun and we all had lots of fun.
and at lunch time we had to eat are lunch in st johns school and at lunch time Isat next to Aimee and Issy again . my favourite part was that we saw the olympic torch.
Seeing The Olympic Torch
On Tuesday I saw the olympic torch.
my favirite car or van was the coca cola van and the gold bmws.On the coach I sat next to Ruby. At st jhons when we were having our lunch I said to Mrs macey how do you push the chair in and she said ‘they are attached to the table and I laughed because I thought it was funny’ .The torch was gold and had gold rings on it.When it was coming it didnt feel like it was only coming through frome once.
I liked going !
I loved seeing the olympic torch.It was a nice day to do that!I got very hot! I liked going!
The Long Wait !
when we went to see the torch we had to wait for a long time. then two men came on funny looking things .then moterbikes came. then vans came .one was a coca cola van which had drum things and a green van had a green thing which was a stick with green ribbons on it . it was amazing to see the torch but it had a little flame! we had lunch with a different school.
Exciting Day
On Tuesday the shcool went down town to watch the olympics torch. first we whent to st john’s school to put our lunch boxes and then we all went d0wn town . the best bit of the day was when the olympics flame came down the hill. it was exciting.
when we went to the olympic torch we had to wait a long time and i got hot. there was a man and a lady in a cart .when we saw the olympic torch. it was amazing.
Great Fun
when we went to see the torch it was really fun . i got a green twerly ribbon but the man dropped it on the road then i picked it up. i thought the torch looked really cool i.t was shiny. it was golden. when the torch came i was really excited .then we had are lunch with another school.
The olympic torch
When we went to watch the olympic torch it took ages to come .we got very hot. Our grown up said it was going to be 20 mins but after a while it was a another 20 mins but then finally it came. it was a boy holding it when we watched it and we had some shakers to shake and we got some green things but only some people got them and I got one of them . i liked it
I went to town
When i went to town and went to see the olympic-torch. i saw two men on bownsy stilts. what i felt when i saw the torch was excited and happy.
We had ducks a mummy duck and a daddy duck. The mummy duck got kort by a fox, so we saved the eggs and they hatched. We have baby duck chicks. We had five but one died so now we have four.
Easter Holiday
In the Easter holidays I took part in a ballet show at the Merlin theatre. I was a little flower. Polly was a bee in the show and Zoe was a flower like me. I liked the bunnies.
Brokerswood Trip
On Monday we went on a school trip to brokerswood.First we got on the coach.Everyone was excited.When we got there a lady showed us a compass and a map.Then she played true or false. She said that a compass works best on your head true or false it was false.She showed us the right way up to hold are map.Next we went minibeast hunting.I found four milpeads and a squiggly thing which was a centipede.After that we drew a map with a lady.First we drew the middle path then the stream and if you wanted to be clever you could draw it squiggly .there was two secret paths then we drew the bridge and tested it with a friend.Then it was lunch. I was the only person standing up but it did not put me off my lunch. I was happy because I had crisps.After lunch we went looking for animals with names.On the last clue Aimee fell over and rolled in the mud.When we got on the coach Aimees wellies could’nt come off.
Iain Green
I like the man that took photos of the animals. When we went to the field and took pictures I fownd an owl in the tree I took a photograph.
Our special visitor
In squirrel class we had a man called mr Iain Green come and visit us .We had a camera. We needed to take a photograph of wild life .We needed to take one clever photo. We all had a group and took turns.
Iain Green
I liked the man that took the photos with me . I took a picture of a tree. I likd yasmins party.
My Birthday with Iain Green
It was my Birthday. I speshely liked it because Iain Green came and showed us his pictures.